Sunday, October 28, 2018

Just Another Week In Trump's America!

I dont even know where to begin. I am exhausted. Just this week alone has been so fucking crazy I am really not sure this entire nation is worth saving. I see so much moronic behavior it really gets one down. Oh Im not even talking about evil motherfuckers motivated by hatred and encouraged by Presidents to kill people they dont like. I am talking about ignorant cretins who cannot put down their foreign made MAGA hats for one day and give it a fucking rest. They go to listen the Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Chief spew out 30 seconds of condemnation and then 90 minutes of his greatest hits. Lock Her Up, Build the Wall. Ya know fuck all of you. Ive been in your midst. I know whats in your hearts. There isnt a doubt in my mind a substantial number of shitheels in the crowd Friday night in Charlotte would have cheered had the Instigator in Chief brought the guy onstage who tried to assassinate two ex Presidents and bunch of black Democrats with his pipe bombs.

The week began with the indictment of a group of white supremacists who enjoy walking around and beating up anti-Trump protesters. The Proud Boys, led by some nitwit who fancies himself a tough guy. A guy who was allowed to speak at a Republican event full of rich money hungry Republicans, You know, the kind of Republican that used to run that disgusting political party. Rich pricks with sociopathic tendencies. I have mine so screw you. Those types. I dont like them, but I understand them. And now, they welcome thugs like the Proud Boys who insist that Trumpsters become violent and crush the opposition in primal ways. Ya know, Like 1936 Germany. That was just the beginning of the week.

On Wednesday, a white man in Jeffersontown,Kentucky attempted to gain access to a predominately black Baptist church but could not get in. He then went to a local grocery store, walked in, pulled a gun from his waistband and shot a black man in the back of the head and then shot the man multiple times as he lay dead. The man's 12 year old grandson was there and cannot unsee it. The Trumper man then walked outside to the parking lot and shot an innocent black woman numerous times. A bystander pulled his concealed weapon and confronted the man who said "Don't shoot me. I won't shoot you. Whites don't shoot whites." The man exchanged wild fire with the man and hit nothing. The killer is in jail, taken alive of course. His name is irrelevant.

Also on Wednesday, a series of pipe bombs began arriving at the offices of various Democrats and their donors. George Soros, the billionaire deadbeat who has yet to pay me to protest. He must be pre-occupied with that caravan of terrorist babies he's paying to invade us. Hillary and Bill Clinton got one. Barack and Michelle Obama got one. Jim Brennan got one. Maxine Waters got two. Kamala Harris got one. Cory Booker got one. Joe Biden got two. Robert DeNiro got one. You get a bomb and you get a bomb and you get a bomb. The one thing all these people have in common is they all think Donald Trump is a fucking nightmare thrust upon this country by a band of ignoramuses, racists and thugs strengthened by an antiquated election system that only benefits Republicans. CNN got one, and all they do is tell the truth about the moronic statements and lies that the Thug in Chief spews out of his tiny piehole. An arrest was made on Friday of a man who had pro-Trump and anti-Democrats stickers plastered all over his van. This of course brought out the base. The conspiracy minded Republican base who doesnt believe facts but believes whatever their propagandists and Fox tell them. Its despicable.

Then came Saturday. A man who actually thinks Trump is not racist enough walked into a synagogue and murdered 11 innocent people attending a bris. A fucking bris. A baby was there. This right wing anti-Semite whack job had posted screeds on right wing web sites calling Jews the names I will not repeat. The coward with the AR 15 was taken alive, of course, and is now in a hospital with non life threatening wounds probably regaling medical staff with his "all Jews must die" bullshit. The thoughts I have are not good but it involves a pillow, preferably a My Pillow, and strong security guard. Fuck this guy.

Meanwhile, our Egomaniac in Chief gave himself the hand job of the day by appearing at rallies full of idiots who think this is some sort of stand up comedy act for stupid people. This fuckstick is killing us. He continues to rant about "globalists" which of course is code for Jews,and nationalists" which of course is code for white supremacy. He attempts to scare racists, which of course is not difficult die to their wimpiness, by hollering about a caravan of women and children and men fleeing gang violence and starvation. He lies about the caravan being full of non existent middle eastern terrorists and Central American gang members. He encourages group think among people who believe THEY are the oppressed and due their white birthright. Its only logical this creates a hatred that can be weaponized by a disturbed individual exercising their Second Amendment rights .

Goddammit!! VOTE. Our lives DO depend on it.

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