Thursday, October 4, 2018

Farce Or Sham?

This farce is about over. Old man Grassley and his coffee buddy Old Man Hatch are satisfied that the dame who dared to accuse 53 year old frat boy Bart of being a handsy grabass is a liar. Of course, Grassley and Hatch would vote for Bart if he personally vomited on their 60 year old daughters or Devils Triangled their 40 year old granddaughters, but this sham of an FBI report has given them cover to huff and puff and put a dry drunk with an anger problem on the Court. What these fossils expect to get out of a 53 year old gambling addict baseball enthusiast before they drop dead and go straight to hell is beyond me.

Old Man Grassley would show up at a sex trafficking crime scene and start hollering theres nothing to see here, move along and lets go home to see the Hawkeyes and wave at cancer kids, most of whom he'd gladly throw into the streets, harvest their organs, drink their blood and then claim the kids were leeches upon society, now give me my bailout money.

Nobody actually believes this FBI investigation is anything than what it is. A fucking fraudulent report so limited in scope that they werent even allowed to interview the attempted rapist Judge and his victim harlot accuser. There is no doubt scumbags like McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Cornyn, Lee, Kennedy, Tillis and our own gender traitors Fischer and Ernst didnt give a fuck what was in the report, as long as they got a SCOTUS proxy vote to limit womens rights, put the blacks back in line, get the gays back in the closet, and allow an Orange toxic pile of gizz to pardon everybody who participated in the sham of an election back in 16.

Look, theres not much hope for those of us who believe women to stop this raging drunk from getting on the Court to exact his revenge for the next 30 years. To be the same gender and color as the mummified remains of these soon to be dead Republican cranks is horrifying for me. But to be the same gender and color as these gender traitors like Deb Fischer (Welfare Rancher-Ne) and Joni Ernst (Cackling Witch-Ia) must be even more horrifying. Like those laughing old bags in Mississippi listening to another rapist cult leader and laughing at another woman's pain, women are often their own worst enemies.

When you are courageous enough to come forward and tell us of your experience only to be dismissed by men and laughed at by other women must be the worst thing that can happen other than the assault.

I am disgusted by this entire farce of a country right now. Every single time I drive by my polling place my anger makes me want to run in NOW and vote against every one of the Republican assholes.

Who's with me? Decent women and decent men. Lets cut Trumps balls off on November 6th.

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