Sunday, September 30, 2018

Rage Against The Truth!

These are the people who matter. One mattered on a national stage 27 years ago and one mattered on a national stage last week. One was steamrolled by a patriarchal old boy network of men, including some Democrats, and her nemesis, a despicable unqualified lackey named Clarence Thomas was put on the Supreme Court for life. Thomas has had one mission since 1991, to own the libs. To follow another cynical conservative uninterested in anything except restoring 1783. Anita Hill courageously tried to stop the appointment of this toadying circuit court judge but failed. The rest is history. The country is lesser because of her failure. I thought the country was better because of her courage.

Cut to 2018. Yet another toadying questionably qualified Judge is being rammed through the Senate process to take a seat for life on the Court. A Judge who has had hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt wiped out overnight. A Judge who appears to lie with impunity. A Judge who believes a President cannot be indicted or even charged with a crime. A Judge who sat in judgement of Bill Clinton and reportedly wanted to know many more details of a blowjob than anybody else. A Judge who stated, even in his 40s, that what goes on at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep. A frat boy, a privileged punk intent on being a drunken jerk and proud of it.

Christine Blasey Ford had lived for 35 years with an incident occurring at age 15 that involved a couple of prep school bullies named Judge and Kavanaugh. How appropriate. We all know what allegedly happened that night in that room. We heard a woman describe it in great detail. We heard Dr Ford be polite and deferring and insistent without raising her voice. Now we all know had Dr Ford shown an inner anger or began weeping over a justifiable reason to do just those things, her demeanor would have called "hysterical" and most old white men would have dismissed her.....Oh wait thats exactly what they did anyway.

Within minutes of coming back from a break, Christine Blasey Ford was dismissed from the memories of 11 white males intent on getting a man onto the Supreme Court who would protect their cult leader forever. Intent on putting into power a man who would own the libs forever. A man who would vote to overturn civil rights laws, keep gerrymandering legal, protect traitors, keep the iron fist of maleness upon womans health and bodies, and with no consequences, accept gifts from his handlers.

The woman was no longer relevant. In fact the woman hired to protect the white men from backlash, Rachel Mitchell, was also dismissed once the old men yelling at clouds decided that huffing and puffing and defending sexual assault was going to work with the Republican base of cretins, male boneheads and traitorous females. Dr Ford was no longer even remembered. Her testimony was erased from their politically demonized brains.

Then came the man. The Judge. The beacon of fairness. Sober as a Judge? Ridiculous.

We all saw it. The blustering, the screaming, the snideness, the cheap shots, the water drinking, the Jekyll and Hyde personality. It was like every woman's worst nightmare coming out from behind the curtain. The raging drunk. The crying remorseful jerk. The frat boy who became a different person around his entitled "brothers". Yeah, ladies, you all know this guy. You've hopefully jettisoned guys like this long ago. But there he is. As of this moment, still a favorite to be put on the Supreme Court to affect everyone's life forever. Especially women.

We havent really progressed much in 28 years, have we? The one progress made in the last 100 years is voting. If women vote, we win.

Think about last Thursday in terms of the reality of the world. A soft spoken, reasonable woman with a long standing record of reporting this incident to friends, therapists, a husband and the press as opposed to a screeching, smart ass, cheap shot artist playing to an audience of one (The Assaulter in Chief).

Who would YOU rather be in the same room with? Reason and intelligence (Hill and Ford) or out of control rage (Thomas and Kavs)? The world depends on your answer. Vote!

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