Sunday, October 7, 2018

Boy Scout Ben Sasse!

Now that this entire disgraceful installation of Bluto Kavanaugh has concluded and we have lost again to the Orange Mussolini and his Turtle I have to say something about one of the major players in this disgrace.

About a month ago while sitting at yet another Nebraska football tragedy, a vendor bounded up the stairs carrying another Nebraska tragedy, Runzas hollering about what he had for sale, instant indigestion. With him was the vendors daughter and then staring me in the face was Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse (Phony-Ne). Sasse is well know for being a goof, he drives Uber, and sells concessions at football games. Wow what a great guy huh?

As Sasse looked me directly in the eye, I said "so how does it feel to support a perjurer?". This was before we knew that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was not only a liar but a grab ass drunk. Ben Sasse heard me, and turned completely around while ignoring my question. Reminder he was with his daughter, the one he claimed prayed with him to end Obamacare every morning. Oh well, he didnt answer. Why would he? He was bust being all folksy. All Nebraskan.

Ben Sasse stood in front of an EMPTY Senate chamber the other night and did what Sasse does best. Bullshit you. He yammered on, sometimes fighting back "tears", about how he urged the Orange Slime to nominate a woman to the seat now occupied by a handsy rummy. He claimed he knew the #MeToo movement was real and that The Sexual Molester In Chief was the wrong guy to lead it. He talked about how the confirmation of a drunken attempted rapist did not mean you dont understand women's pain. Oh Ben Sasse is one of those guys who get it, ladies, He gets your fear and horror and experiences with the Brett Kavanaughs of the world. He's down with you Vagina-Americans. Yes, chicks, remember that Ben Sasse thinks about leaving the Republican Party every single day. He probably thinks about lots of things he will never do. Like becoming a decent human being.

Ben Sasse votes the way he's told to vote. He votes with Trumski 95% of the time. Oh the Republican Turtle allows Ben to speak his mind, to an empty Senate floor, because they know when it comes down to it, Trustworthy Ben will do what he's told.

Yesterday, Boy Scout Ben voted YES to confirm Buzzed Kavanaugh to his lifetime seat on the Court of Owning The Libs.

Thanks Ben, but no thanks to your pious phoniness. Put a Runza in it. Be more like our other Senator, a backbenching robot named Deb Fischer (Gender Traitor-Ne). She doesnt even pretend to give a fuck. Try it, its actually less infuriating to those of us you turn your back on.

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