Monday, December 18, 2017

Pai Wow!

Net neutrality. Yeah I dont really understand it all that well until I get a 20 year old to explain it to me. You know, cuz I'm old.

From what I understand net neutrality was instituted by the Obama Administration to level the playing field as far as access to the internet. So lets say that a giant corporation wants to control the search engines by paying extra to have your internet provider steer you their way and slow down the competition that cannot afford to pay the extra. From what I was told this is basically it. Oh that and the fact Obama had something to so with it makes it bad. Freedom! Freedom to pay more for what you have now. America! Fuck yeah!

When FCC chairman Ajit Pai, a real asshole, was appointed by Donald F Trump (your father you felonious dipshit Donnie Jr), another real asshole, to head the FCC in January of 2017, net neutrality entered the danger zone. Since Corporate America had their Russian puppet in place, a complicit Congress in place, and a dick like Ajit Pai in place, no better time was had to put the internet in their hands to pass out as they saw fit. And thus, last week, despite overwhelming opposition and bolstered only by millions of fake emails in support of the repeal of net neutrality, Pai and his two Republican ass kissers on the FCC voted 3-2 to get rid of another Obama era regulation.

Ok fine, to the winners go the spoils. I get it. The Goo in Chief can appoint anybody he wants to whatever he wants and the Senate can take Trumps dick out its mouth for as much time as it takes to confirm them.

However, Ajit Pai, an Indian version of Trump, a man of incredible amounts of smirk and smug, made a speech while about to destroy fairness that would have made me hate him even if he was speaking on behalf of abused puppies. Ajit Pai is a condescending ass of monumental proportions and if you watch his speech, see his taunting videos, or read his smarmy statements, you too cannot possibly not want to punch him in his incredibly punchable grill.

Destroying net neutrality is just another thing that this disgrace of a President will do because Obama put it in. The Republican desire to erase anything Obama is not only blatantly the wrong thing to do, we all know why its being done.

It's being done by the Bloated Clod in Chief because of that dinner in which Obama made fun of his utter nonsense of a TV show and put him in his place as a clown, a joke, an irrelevant vulgarian. The Traitor in Chief made it his lifes work to get his sick revenge. Whether it be birther bullshit, tweetstorms, or catering to his racist base, the Bigot in Chief ya gotta admit, got it done. Thanks Amerikkka.

It's being done by the Republican Party because Obama is black. Period.

So there we go. A smarmy, snobbish FCC chair doing Trump's dirty work in an oh so Trump way. By being a prick.

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