Sunday, December 17, 2017

Baby Doomers!

I feel sorry for anyone under 40. the millennials or whatever they are called. This group of folks, I call them kids, long derided as slackers, entitled brats and lazy by a generation of baby boomers currently sucking the life out of this country with their own sense of entitlement and their lack of knowledge of anything past their own noses are getting set up for lifetime of hurt. Due to the baby boomers voting into office a group of the most self centered bought and paid for whores of all time, the young of this country face a future of paying for the upkeep of this rotten generation of narcissists who not only refuse to accept any sacrifice, but in effect yell gimme gimme gimme under the guise of protecting their grandchildren.

Yep, this is my generation. The bottom end is in their mid 50s and the top end is hitting 70 and they vote. Vote for misogynists and racists and robber barons and homophobes and child molesters and whatever else kind of "ist" there is. The same generation that refused to allow themselves to be used as cannon fodder for an illegal, immoral war and and helped bring down a corrupt and evil administration has now turned into the thing they used to hate. Installed an evil, corrupt, traitorous administration in order to prevent a woman from assuming power. Brainwashed for the last 20 years by a television network full of liars, nutjobs and idiots bent on enriching themselves and apparently scoring with a lot of unwilling chicks, my generation is a bunch of people I simply want to exit as quickly as possible.

This country is becoming a country I really dont want to live in. A country of mean people belonging to tribes of fellow mean people, living in a bubble, hearing only what they want to hear, denying facts, and blaming people outside of the bubble for their problems. You know, problems like lack of education, obesity, diabetes, and the NCIS franchise. But I am going nowhere. I want to stay, join up with the young and stop my selfish group of peers from ruining everything.

This administration has destroyed government little by little to the point where any thinking person would have to prefer a system of government where you can call for new elections when things get that bad. I mean we already have this insane system where a person gets 3 million more votes than a vulgar traitor yet loses because a band of rubes from the hinterlands are given too much power. This administration and its opportunistic appointees, along with a complicit Congress, is looting the Treasury of this nation as we speak to enrich themselves and their donors before the inevitable fall from grace. They are also destroying the planet.

So good luck, people under 40. Your future contains nothing but doom. Taking care of a generation of selfish creeps who set this up for you under the promise of a bright future. Get off your ass and do something, before its too late.

Soylent Green sounds good.

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