Wednesday, December 13, 2017


A kiddie diddler running for Senate in Alabama, endorsed by the President of the United States, endorsed by the Republican National Committee,endorsed by alleged Christians better than you, endorsed by 70% of old white crunchfaces everywhere, endorsed by closeted homophobes all over, endorsed by some "Jew" lawyer working for the kiddie diddler, lost. Lost to a man who threw Klansmen in prison for murdering little girls and doesnt deny climate change, who believes in evolution and actually wants to insure children, not hit on them.

It makes me laugh like I havent laughed in months to know that a state known for its backwardness, a state rated 47th in education, mobilized its best citizens to put a stop to the Roy Moore Rush to the 19th century. Alabama's young people, its black citizens, its Latino citizens, its progressive white citizens all banded together to make the dream come true. His name is Doug Jones and for at least 3 years, he will make most of us not laugh at Alabama. Thats ok, we always have Mississippi or Oklahoma or for that matter, Nebraska to go what the fuck is wrong with those idiots?

For those of you pooh poohing this monumental win by saying wow a 1.5% win over a child molester I say fuck off. Jefferson Sessions won this seat in 2014 with 97% of the vote. Jefferson Sessions is now running the Justice Department by vehemently going after the most pressing issue of our time. Discrimination against white people. This win in fucking Alabama is huge. If a Democrat can win in Alabama, a Democrat can win anywhere. All we need to do is allow the Trump base to vote in primaries. They will choose the kook everytime. The child molester, the sexual harasser, the closeted gay basher, the loudmouth coward, the blowhard will win the votes of the moral lepers who make up the Trump cult. And at that, the Democrats can win.

Explain 2016 Max's Dad. Well all of that above is true, unless the Democrats nominate a heavily wounded has been corporate hack to oppose the Republican cretin. And thats a possibility all the time with the Democrats, the Cleveland Browns of politics. Nominating these old people over and over, totally distancing themselves from the young, the poor, the rural voters, and quite frankly, me. If I have to see Schumer or Pelosi or Feinstein or (gasp) Bernie one more time I think I may lose hope. You folks had your time, its time to go away and let people under oh say, 60 into the game.

Doug Jones isnt young, I know, but he's not a 70 year old Bible thumping pervert with a tiny little gun and a great big cowboy hat. So the choice was clear there. Thanks to the young folk of Alabama, the Senate is not stained with a 70 year old degenerate who likes em young. Oh its stained with hacks and idiots and bought and paid for miscreants, but as far as I know, they are simply old fashioned greedheads and leches.

Thanks to the good folks in Alabama, Senate pages are safe.

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