Thursday, November 30, 2017

Get Me Away From This Creep!

Babies and animals know. They know a nasty soulless person by instinct and observation. Animals and babies can sense danger. I just wish adult humans could.

There is no doubt that there is a deranged madman currently residing in the White House. A mad sociopath who leaves no slight forgotten and will tirelessly avenge the slight by scorching the earth. Just this week, the Lunatic In Chief has used a racial slur in front of American heroes to avenge a slight by a woman who has his number. He has re-tweeted out phony anti-Muslim videos he obtained from the British version of the Klan putting American diplomatic personnel in danger all over the world. He got into a twitter pissing match with British prime minister Theresa May who had expressed her dismay with the tweets. By the way, The Moron in Chief tweeted at the wrong Theresa May at first, just as he had tweeted at the wrong Lee Greenwood earlier.

Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murder, drawing a strong rebuke from Mika Brzezinski , who suffers no fools like The Temper Tantrum In Chief. Mika said "the president crossed another deeply disturbing line with his attack on Joe. The chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America advanced a false conspiracy theory to intimidate the press and cause a chilling effect on the First Amendment. Joe and I are not intimidated. And his bizarre behavior contravenes both the Constitution and basic moral judgment. This is all we’re going to say on the matter."

All that was missing was Mika shouting Fuck You Crackpot In Chief.

The Rockhead In Chief ended his insane day by reverting back to the schoolyard taunting of another kookburger by hollering Little Rocket Man at him while Little Rocket Man stands there with a missile in his tiny little Trump like hands.

Im telling you this crazy daughterfucker is beginning to make me uneasy. As this dementia, syphilitic infected danger to the planet continues to spiral down the drain the threat to take us with him is getting sweat inducing. The people who have the power to stop this mentally ill mental munchkin wont do it because their greed and insane desire to enrich themselves and their donors takes precedence over any survival instincts they may possess. This Republican Congress and this Trump cabinet will not do what is right. They will watch this country descend into chaos and anarchy before they will stop him. By then it may be too late.

I just wish humans knew what babies and animals know. Donald J Trump is a fucking monster.

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