Tuesday, November 28, 2017


What kind of man stands in front of a portrait of famed genocidal maniac Andrew Jackson with a group of American heroes, real Americans not us interlopers, and blurts out a personal insult involving a racial slur? Why of course its the Racist In Chief.

The Bigot in Chief yesterday "honored" a group of Navajo code talkers, men who during World War II spoke Navajo to baffle Japanese code breakers. Forcing the American heroes to stand under a portrait of Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson, the Custer In Chief carried on in a somewhat civil manner until his sick mind flashed him a picture of some uppity woman he is obsessed with, Elizabeth Warren, and he had to make a Pocahontas crack because its NEVER a bad time to make something about HIM.

My gawd, the Wounded Knee Enthusiast In Chief, in the presence of a group of men who put aside their deserved bitterness to help win a war for a country that tried to wipe them from the face of the earth less than 50 years prior, could not even put aside his misogyny, his narcissism, his mental illness, his racism for 5 minutes without taking a shot at a perceived enemy. Using the racial slur, Pocahontas, in front of people he was "honoring" AND insulting cannot be a mistake. The Creep In Chief has to be doing this on purpose, a kind of wink wink to the horrible people who make up his base. The Deplorables left waiting for the orders from the Cult Leader In Chief to drink the Kool Aid are the modern day equivalent of The Peoples Temple cultists. Following a bad bad man who promises them paradise by oppressing others and then picking their pockets at the same time, these idiots thrive on The Felon To Be In Chief and his bigotry.

There have been some low low points in this disgusting administration, way too many to mention, but this one, using a racial slur right in front of the race he's slurring may be the lowest of the low. At least today anyway.

The idiocy of his son, the dumb one, ya know, Eric, calling out Disney for making millions with its movie about Pocahontas, while dismissing his father's nasty slur was particularly stupid. Congrats Eric, you have pulled a length in front of Donnie Junior in the Dumbest Trump Derby.

But the dismissal of the slur by Hillbilly Press Liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders by again, hammering Elizabeth Warren, was lower than that. Eric Trump is a dope. Sarah Sanders, a chip off the old block of cheese, has no soul left to be saved. Jesus Christ, at least Lee Atwater repented on his death watch for his nastiness. Looking at Sarah Sanders and the sneering manner in which she lives her life, I cant see that happening. May the Huckabees and the Trumps enjoy a personal hell where Native Americans constantly outwit the Trumps by opening better run casinos and outwit the Huckabees by outdriving them in the Weekly Hell 500.

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