Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Can The Peace Corps Please Work Here?

"The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion."

Bodhidharma--he was some Buddhist dude who probably never existed

"He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have."

Socrates--some Greek dude who probably never existed

"Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough."

Janwillem van de Wetering - a Dutch author who did exist and must have known about a prick named Donald Trump

What kind of people are these Republicans in Congress? The tax bill currently being rammed through Congress is about to pass and these alleged human beings are about to fuck this nation up perhaps forever.

Yesterday a grinning pompous Ayn Rand fan in his 40s named Paul Ryan stood on the dais of the House of Representatives with a giant carnival gavel and announced the passing of this horrendously cruel tax giveaway. Meanwhile a band of bought and paid for shitheels stood and applauded as if they had just gotten away with armed robbery which of course they had. The so called genius speaker, the aforementioned Paul Ryan, a well known taker of taxpayer money as a teen when his father died just to get away from his miserable self satisfied son, walked away after achieving just part of his life long dream of impoverishing most of America. As this vicious moral pickpocket walked back to his office, presumably to jack off to his Ayn Rand poster, he grinned again at the press in an oh so smug way that screamed I am so smart I am so smart and just wait, I'm now coming for your Medicare and Social Security as fast as I can before the indictments come down.

Fuck Paul Ryan. Fuck Bob Corker. Fuck the entire House. Fuck Susan Collins. Oh sorry, was that sexist?

Now that I have that out of my system let me attempt to explain why I watch the opening of Designated Survivor with fondness. Oh I kid. No I actually watch Mars Attacks with glee. Love ya Sylvia Sidney.

1) 13 million American citizens will lose health insurance coverage because the bill removes the individual mandate from the ACA. You think oh well doesnt affect me. Wrong. Say hello to premium increases, perhaps double in 10 years.

2) Medicaid is cut by billions to pay for some of this monstrosity. Oh well doesnt affect me. Bullshit. It will affect millions of old people and millions of children. Now the old people may have been the ones to vote these fucksticks into office cuz they hate the blacks and Mexicans but the fact remains if you have souls, they are vulnerable and thats not very Jesus like. A Jewish globalist guy who probably never existed.

3) The estate tax is repealed. This helps perhaps .02% of Americans. Despite the Republican horseshit of calling it a "death tax" and slobbering over poor farmers not being able to pass on their failing farms to Junior who wouldnt stay in Rubeville if you paid him, this repeal only benefits one type of person. Trump. All this so Junior, Vampire and the hot daughter/wife soon to be jail widow will be rich when their bloated orange sperm donor spits the bit and heads off to Hades.

4) 83% of the tax cuts go to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. This is up from the original intent of giving "only" 62% of the tax cuts. Somehow after the Senate voted to pass this pile of shit, the House, led by that misanthropic hateful cheesefuck Paul Ryan pulled the rug out and raised it to 83%. Get ready middle class, you will be subsidizing these moneyed fucks soon enough.

5) Medicare will be cut $400 Billion over the next decade so if you are over 55 and voted for Trump, you are truly deserving of this. However, the rest of humanity shouldn't have to suffer because of your ignorance and bigotry. Remember those bullshit "death panels" pushed forward by that Alaskan dummy? She may have stumbled into an actual truth. Want to stay alive, Gramps? Give that rich guy even more money. Oh wait you dont have any because a vile creep from Wisconsin cut your Social Security.

6) Give a $400 billion tax cut to offshore tax cheats dodgers. You know like Apple and Microsoft, who routinely stash cash offshore and refuse to pay taxes.

7) Real Estate moguls, like our illustrious Traitor in Chief, get a huge tax cut. I cant even describe what a "pass through" is but trust me, it benefits the 1%ers bigley. Quite frankly, its a payoff to the Grifter In Chief.

8) Foreign tax profits made by American corporations are to be taxed at a far lower rate than before. You know what that means, Trumpers. The outsourcing of your fucking job is even more appealing to your corporate masters. The only wall being built is the one keeping you from their gated communities.

Yes its a depressing day in America. The Republicans, who really dont even have to pretend to give a rats ass any longer, are screwing you over and then smirking. They truly are who we in the know have been telling you for years. Complete assholes without a shred of human decency.

So today when the Cotton Candy Haired Sexual Harasser in Chief stands there with his complicit cads twirling their fake mustaches I can only hope the people of this nation have had enough and assure every one of them standing there there have no job come 2018, 2020 or better yet 6 months from now.

Welcome to the Third World. You asked for it.

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