Sunday, October 15, 2017

Go Big Red!

Allow me to be provincial for a bit.

The first game of any kind my Dad took me to was in 1963. It was the University of Nebraska football team playing South Dakota State in Lincoln. The Huskers won that game 58-7 (some things you just dont forget) and I as a little kid began an emotional relationship with a sports team that I cannot abandon no matter what. Oh theres other teams I came to become fans of, The Chicago Bears, The Golden State Warriors, the Oakland A's, the San Francisco Giants, the Minnesota Twins, the Niners, Nebrasketball, the Cubs when they sucked (pre-Ricketts), but no team anyplace has the effect the University of Nebraska football team has on me. I went there to school, I have had my heart broken by them, Ive celebrated 5 national titles with them, and Ive watched them win or lose for 55 years.

But last night in Lincoln was beyond heart breaking.THE Ohio State University brought a team full of future NFL players to town and were 24 point favorites. In Lincoln. 24 point faves. A point spread that lopsided has not been installed for game in Lincoln since 1957. I refused to believe it. We dont fucking lose at night in Lincoln (though I had witnessed that happen just 7 days ago when Wisconsin battered us into submission).

I entered the old gray stadium full of hope. Within 3 minutes of the start of the game, the hope left me and I hoped for at least a close game.

Nebraska was destroyed in Lincoln on October 14,2017 by a football team from THE Ohio State University who was bigger, faster, and better coached than anything we have in Lincoln. By far. It was childs play. It was men vs boys. It was the Breeders Cup vs a claiming race. It was intelligence against Trumpers. It was a disparity in talent the world hasnt seen since Trump ran against Hillary. Thus, my hope.

People who are Nebraska fans are loyal to the end, as you can tell by the above picture of the stands after halftime. Well I am anyway because I stayed until my ill advised decision to wear shorts to a game where the temps dipped into the 40's won out with less than 4 minutes to go.

Nebraska fans have sold out that stadium every game since 1962. Wink wink. But the mass exodus last night was unprecedented. And the anger was unprecedented. The sight of the "Greatest Fans In College Football" abandoning ship so early pained me. You see, I believe in loyalty. I believe in all that. Oh I understand fair weather fans who would rather go drink than watch a dismantling of their favorite team. I get it. You arent that emotionally invested like some of us. You only like it when things are good. The tough times make you leave. I get it.

But last night, at my age when life things are wayyyyy more important than football, I had doubts. The Nebraska football team, one of the top 10 teams of all time in number of wins, is bad. Very bad. Not mediocre. Bad.

That make me sad. The future is uncertain. They already fired the Athletic Director. The football coach, Mike Riley, is a nice man, a good coach at programs who need teaching, but is he out of his league here? The last coach was a screaming, foul mouthed, temper tantrum throwing asshole who finally got sent packing but won 9 games every year. Should he have been fired after all? Fuck yes, probably 4 years earlier than he was. But we at Nebraska hire against form. Bo Pelini was an embarrassing child and Mike Riley is the guy everybody wants to live next door.

Somewhere in the middle is the answer. Being October, I feel a Frost coming on.

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