Sunday, October 22, 2017

His Name Is Sgt La David Johnson!

Every week it just gets worse. Whenever you think a new low cannot be reached, along comes tomorrow. This Clod In Chief cant even make a condolence call to a grieving family without fucking it up. "He knew what he was getting into..." I mean I get it. Nobody ever likes tghose type of speeches, those types of talking, giving condolences to a person who has lost someone is awkward as hell. To screw it up is human. But the difference is while you or me apologize and beg forgiveness for our awkward statements which we didnt mean, that came out wrong, sorry about that what I meant was, this Sociopath In Chief has no such gene. He's right, if you didnt get what he meant, fuck you. Not only that, he rallies the troops, the sycophants, the fellow sociopaths and racists, the white supremacists and clueless assholes who work willingly for this man to not only not apologize but to attack. Attack Attack Attack. Divert Divert Divert. Make it about somebody else. In this case, a cowboy hat wearing Congresswoman named Frederica Wilson who happened to be listening as the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson took Trump's forced condolence call on speaker phone. Oh yeah, all of these folks are black which makes it even easier for the Racist In Chief to attack. While his base focuses on a black woman wearing a hat, and sees no hypocrisy at all about their favorite hat wearing Sheriff calling her a "buffoon", Trump continues to avoid the inevitable fall from grace.

In the meantime, the clusterfuck in Niger is never explained. Four brave Americans died doing what they were ordered to do. Who knows if they believed in what they were doing but I doubt being ambushed and being at the mercy of a private contractor to get them out was what they believed in. From the information available at this time, the four Green Berets were killed by ISIS inspired criminals in a country far away that 99% of America dont even know exists, and when they do they probably make an N bomb joke. It seems three of the four Green Berets were killed immediately while a couple more had been wounded. An unarmed French helicopter owned by a private contractor flew in to evacuate the remaining troops and get the dead out. Unfortunately, private contractors dont give a fuck about not leaving anyone behind because the focus is profit, and thus Sgt La David Johnson was left behind alive. What happened to Sgt Johnson is unknown , but considering his widow was advised to not have an open casket I can only imagine. To not feel tears coming on as the pregnant young widow hugged her husbands casket is to be a soulless empty vessel of nothingness. You know, like The Empty Vessel In Chief.

I cannot tell you the fury I feel over private contractors participating in warfare. People like Erik Prince are profiteering scumbags who have no honor, who dont give a shit about anything except robbing the United States Treasury of all they can get before the wheels come off. To leave Sgt Johnson behind is unforgivable.

To quote a man named George Washington "Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth".

George may have been a slave owning founding father, but in this case, he was right on

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