Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Trust me on this. I'm no rap fan, I'm not the demo, I hate the n bombs and the misogyny and the stealing sampling of truly great music.

But this, whoa. I give Eminem props. This fuckin guy has balls.

While NFL players are about to kowtow to a tinpot dictator and stand for an anthem that was written when their ancestors were owned by miscreants, this rapper risks it all by telling his fans you're either with me or you're with Trump and if you're with Trump, fuck you.

I'm not running out to buy any Marshall Mathers CD's (see Im obviously old I said CD) any time soon but this guy's courage is admirable.

So while California burns, and Puerto Rico starves, and Las Vegas reels, and Green Berets die in Niger, the President of the United States tweets about an ESPN host, and football players kneeling, and ratings, and gets called a fucking moron by his own Secretary of State for wanting to increase nukes tenfold cuz little boys like to play war, a courageous rapper calls him out.

Oh, Trumps base wont care. They are just learning that Eminem is white. They will get their marching orders from Fox News and Breitbart to decide what to say. Wife beater, druggie, white trash. Those are the insults coming.

So if a line in the sand has been drawn by a rapper. Fine. It takes somebody to draw it. I'm ready to stand with Marshall Mathers. Just dont expect me to listen to Slim Shady.

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