Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Cooch Ditka!

Iron Mike Ditka. Hall of Fame tight end. Super Bowl winning coach and legendary knucklehead.

Despite being a Chicago Bears fan since I was a little kid in the 1960s (and they sucked so this is no bandwagon) I never gave Ditka credit for that one year when he followed Buddy Ryans defense and followed the Bears to a Super Bowl win. Nope, it wasnt that knothead who won the Super Bowl, it was Buddy Ryan. Everything else the lunkhead Ditka did in his career was a fucking disaster. He constantly lost playoff games he should have won once Buddy Ryan moved on to Philly. He ruined the New Orleans Saints after taking over that franchise as the Savior from Chicago. But boy did he fool those dumb Bears fans. Idolized Iron Mike. Cooch Ditka he won us a Sooper Bowl. He da man. Da Bears. You Bears fans do realized SNL was making fun of you, right?

But lets face it. Mike Ditka is a lamebrain. Ditka is a rich dumb brickhead who forgets from where he comes. But like most narcissists used to having their ass kissed by dumb people, Ditka allows the unwashed to kiss his ring. The ring Buddy Ryan got him.

Political Ditka is an even bigger rockhead. In tghe late 1980s when NFL players had some balls and actually went on strike, Iron Mike lashed out at his players for not crossing the picket line. Iron Mike's daddy was a welder in the 1930s and 1940s and I assume a union member. But once Mike makes some money its all about Mike, a proud NFL Players Union member. Hey you scabs, lets play some football.

It really is all about Mike. His nitwit 7th inning stretch singing at a Cubs game should have been an embarrassment that made Chicago hate his guts but no, Cooch Ditka won us a Sooper Bowl. He's been arrested for DUI, called a heckling San Francisco fan a "fag", let a clown like the Refrigerator Perry score a Super Bowl touchdown and not legendary Bear Walter Payton, traded every draft pick he had in New Orleans to get marijuana enthusiast Ricky Williams to barely play for him, and once was thinking of running for the United States Senate seat against Barack Obama. There is no doubt in Ditka's cement head he wold have beaten Obama and spared the country from 8 years of President Blackenstein. He said that in 2012 when Obama was kicking human statue Mittens Romney's ass.

But as clueless as Mike Ditka is, nobody thought that the most overrated football coach of all time was this clueless.

Ironhead Mike Ditka stated last night, in public, out loud, "All of a sudden, it's become a big deal now, about oppression.There has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of. Now maybe I'm not watching it as carefully as other people. I think the opportunity is there for everybody. ... If you want to work, if you want to try, if you want to put effort into yourself, I think you can accomplish anything."

Huh? No oppression since 1917? Well of course not at least as far as rich white guys goes. But Jim Crow and the NAACP and the Browns in Topeka and Emmett Till might disagree. Ditka is such a boulderhead he sees nothing but himself. Like that other overrated bully, Bobby Knight, Ditka has turned into that cranky racist uncle that about 32% of your family will never admit is a moron.

But he is a moron. Until Bears fans who cant forget dat Cooch Mike won us a Sooper Bowl, admit it, Ditka will continue to be a blowhard who never has to answer to his idiocy. Christ, the Bears fired the jackass n 1989 cuz once Buddy left, he sucked the life out of them.

Get over it, Ditka worshipers. It was 32 years ago he stumbled into a win. He's been stumbling his whole life. Its about time somebody let him fall.

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