Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Aw Shucks I'm Just A Simple Mutton Bustin' Lawyer!

The gag reflex is working overtime listening to the cornpone judge claim he's just a simple country lawyer with no gosh darn opinions on much of anything. Denver Judge Neil Gorsuch, the next SCOTUS judge nominee willing to turn the country into a hateful wasteland, is knocking softballs out of the park as Republican Judiciary Committee members ask him if he's a Nazi or anything like those Demoncrats say he is.

Now the fact remains Gorsuch should not even be sitting there. Surrounded by his loving adoring gazing wife and the strategically placed black woman, Mary Elizabeth Taylor, a sort of Omarosa Lite Gorsuch is aw shucksing his way to the inevitable lifetime seat confirmation he stole from Barack Obama and Merrick Garland. Oh he will be confirmed, because the hillbillies voted for enough Republicans to make it inevitable. That and the fact the Democrats are pussies.

Trump has obviously sold this seat to the various right wing groups who are bankrolling this farce. Trump wouldnt know a Supreme Court decision from a Maury Povich DNA test much less know anything about Neil Gorsuch, who may as well have a Federalist Society tattoo on his forehead. When the fainting couch fan, Lindsey Graham, asked Gorsuch what he wold have done had Trump demanded he vote to overturn Roe V Wade Gorsuch puffed up the phony indignation and proclaimed Why Suh, I would have gotten up and walked right out that door. Excuse me while I gag. Yeah sure, Neil. Besides the fact Trump thinks Roe V Wade is the name of one of his doormen, the thought of that scenario is laughable. Trump never asked anything of the kind of a guy like Gorsuch. Gorsuch was the name given him by The Heritage Foundation and had Rubio or Cruz or Santorum somehow won the White House, Gorsuch would still have been the guy.

Look, Gorsuch is as forgetful a nominee as I can ever remember with all his gee willikers surprise at some of the questions. Diane Feinstein nailed him in his sneaky advisement of the Cheney DOJ on how to circumvent laws against torture but Gorsuch bobbed and weaved with his gee maam I was just one voice in a crowded room and I'd really have to look at my notes to see what I advised. Yeah Im pretty sure I'd remember if I told some sick fuck like Cheney that plucking the fingernails out of suspects was a-ok with me.

Sheldon Whitehouse asked Gorsuch about the $10 million in Citizens United money that is backing this thieving nomination. Gorsuch has no idea what it is in fact claimed "It is what it is". Gee ok there, Judge Denial.

My gawd, the things Gorsuch claims to not know would disqualify a simple law clerk from doing anything other than running to Starbucks to get the latte's. Gorsuch's feigned ignorance is so infuriating, or should be, to anyone with even a 6th grade level of understanding the consequences of confirming this phony Chauncey Gardner to the Supreme Court.

Al Franken knows absurdity. And Al Franken made this statement after Gorsuch attempted to justify his vote to allow a company to fire a truck driver who refused to put his own life and others in danger by driving a truck with frozen brakes and refusing to sit in the cab and freeze to death.

"It is absurd to say that this company was within its rights to fire him because he made a choice not to—of possibly dying by freezing to death or causing other people to die because he was driving an unsafe vehicle. That's absurd. Now I had a career in identifying absurdity, and I know it when I see it."

Are you absurd, Neil Gorsuch, or are you just another of the 6th grade level thinking miscreants running around this putrid administration?

I think we know.

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