Tuesday, March 21, 2017

FBI Blues!

If there was ever a case of buyer's remorse, it happened yesterday when FBI Director James Comey realized what he had done by throwing a bomb into the 2016 election when he derailed Hillary and allowed a fascist toddler to "win" the Presidency by appealing to racists xenophobes sexists economic anxious racists sexists bigots working class white people.

Within the first quarter of his testimony under oath, in front of a Republican dominated committee of Trump apologists, Comey confirmed that the FBI had concluded Donald John Trump was a goddamned liar AND a Russian stooge. Case closed. Impeach the creep now. Huh?

Trey Gowdy (Jug Eared Alien-SC) concluded only one thing from the Comey revelations. Jail the fucking press for reporting it. Now Gowdy (Bug Eyed Swamp Rat-SC) is truly a taxpayer money wasting redneck, but for this Benghazi obsessed deviant to conclude from the fact that his Russian puppet leader is a liar and a foreign operative that the only problem is the people reporting it is truly dangerous.

There were other Republican hacks with selective hearing. Devin Nunes (Lalalala-Ca) pretty much blamed Obama for all of it as mentally ill fascists tend to do. Nunes, a truly stupid man, falsely claimed that the Obummer administration was attempting to suck up to America's true leader, Vladimir Putin (POTUS-USA), for 8 years. This despite the fact, not an alt fact, a fact that Prez Putin hated Obama and Hillary for telling him to go fuck himself regularly. Comey made the remark "They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her and help him," about Russian meddling while being lectured by a Trump hack named Mike Conaway (Invisible-Tx). I am surprised Trump goons didnt bust in and rough up Comey at that point as the entire hearing was summed up at that point. Impeachment anyone?

Of course I am dreaming. Impeaching a clown like Trump is not on the table until at least after this bunch of anarchist sociopaths in Congress get their wish to turn the nation into the oligarchy paradise they want. Until they have used a truly morally bankrupt lunatic like Trump for all they can get out of him, they will never take any action against him. It's all about winning. They won and how it happened is irrelevant. Just as it is irrelevant to the millions of bitter people who have been convinced to hate "libtards" and "snowflakes" to the point of advocating traitorous activity and outright fraud.

But just remember. The same FBI guy Trump loved after he sabotaged Hillary's campaign is now after Trump. Dummy!!! Sad!

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