Friday, March 24, 2017

Louse Speaker!

Well that clusterfuck is over. The Republicans repealed Obamacare 60 plus times when they knew Obama was President and it wouldn't ever matter, thus being able to cater to their ignorant constituents who didn't know Obamacare from the Affordable Care Act.

Well those days are over you yellow bellies because when given the chance to actually repeal an actual plan and replace with nothing but tax cuts for their owners donors well off constituents they took a powder.

The Republican House members, led by a Ayn Rand loving loathsome hater like Paul Ryan (Charlatan-WI), couldn't get their shit together to do something they'd done dozens of times because some of them got all baffled by that "replace" part.

Some of the rubes in the House thought replacing the Obamacare with anything was just too generous to humanity. These "Freedom Caucus" members, a gang of misanthropes so utterly nasty they cannot comprehend the suffering of anyone other than rich white males, could not stand any health care plan that covered virtually anything. Those broads, the ones that had been rejecting them for years, dont need no mammograms or maternity coverage. The poor are poor because they are lazy and shiftless and its better off if they just die anyway. This Freedom Caucus was not to be moved off their lonely hill where they think Donald Trump is a philanthropist. The Freedom Caucus consists of 30 of the whitest men you would ever meet. They alone were ready to fuck this replacement part up in the name of "freedom". Thanks, Freedom Caucus. You are all still complete assholes though.

When you take out that bunch of despicable creeps, you are left with the rest of the Republicans. You know, the ones who wanted to "replace" the ACA (thats Obamacare,idiots) with the Ryan Trump Plan which would lower premiums and provide you with choice (something those chicks shouldn't get) of plans. It would lower costs from providers and give everybody a free unicorn.

Now all of that is 100% true. Sorry, fellow Democrats, but for once the Republicans are telling the truth. It would lower premiums for most people because whatever you pay now is definitely higher than $0 which is what you'd pay after Trump Care passed because you couldn't afford to buy insurance. It would provider you with a choice. The choice to not afford this plan or not afford that plan, your choice. If you choose to not buy a plan, well then lah dee dah, freedom! Lower costs from providers? You betcha! Cuz not going to the doctor because you cant afford it is free! See, what a plan! The free unicorn? Just get hooked on the black market opiates and voila! Unicorn!

The Democrats and the Freedom Caucus kicked Trump right in the ass today. The American people kicked that whiny toddler right in the ass today too. Donald Trump is a loser. He is ill prepared and quite frankly in over his head. Just quit Donnie!

With the defeat of Trump Care today perhaps we can now get back to the important stuff. Like getting to the bottom of how this rancid administration ran the campaign against Hillary. How involved were these Russian stooges with the actual Russians? How far up Putin's ass is Trump? How many of this administration of Russian lackeys will actually be in jail in the years to come?

These are the important questions. When your main line of defense is a birdbrain named Devin Nunes (Out of his League-CA) you are in deep trouble. When aforementioned birdbrain gets information and runs off to tattle to the Pigeon In Chief you know the bloodhounds are getting close. Donald Trump may get to the point that whatever tapes Putin has are the least of his problems.

What's your next move, Comrade Donald?

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