Saturday, November 19, 2011

Roar Lion Roar!

I'm sure everyone is sick to death of Penn State by now. The criminal enterprise that is Penn State has been exposed and the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet. Much like the other criminal enterprise, The Catholic Church, Penn State got away with the despicable cover up for years because, like the Catholic Church, Penn State had its sycophants and deniers whose entire life would be exposed as a lie if this thing blew up. Well, it blew up.

Religion and football. Both sacred. Both enabled by millions of true believers who refuse to do what's right when wrong is uncovered. The Catholic Church, enabled by its millions of scared little minions unwilling to let their brain work. Shifting pederast priests from location to location to stay one step ahead of the law. Leaving a pile of victims in its quest for power and money. Enabled by its superstitious congregation. Fucking disgusting.

Penn State, football royalty. Led by an ancient figurehead whose head in the sand mentality enabled an evil to grow and prosper in his presence. Covered up literally from bottom to top. From the lowly unpaid grad assistant right up to the President of the University and right up from there to the football coach. They are all guilty as hell and responsible for untold pain to children. All to keep stuffing 110,000 paying customers into a stadium 7 times a year. Too bad, kid, there's money to be made. Fucking disgusting.

Fire them all. Penn State's entire athletic department should go. In fact, though I know this will never happen, the entire football program should be disbanded. There isn't an honest man in any position of power there. The players should be allowed to move on and the whole damn thing should be shut down. It's a cesspool back there.

Same for the Catholic Church. There are so many criminals running that organization now it makes me sick. There are mafia dons doing time for less than what some of these "men of god" have done with their cover ups and racketeering. The jails should be full of guys in collars and funny hats. Seriously.

Joe Paterno is a God back in Happy Valley. Drunken students rioted after Joe the Denier was canned last week for his refusal to do right. Oh he's legally in the clear, he told somebody. But he is morally as culpable as anybody. He saw Sandusky in the Penn State facilities for 10 years after the "incident" he was told about. He did nothing. He said nothing. He deserved his unceremonious departure. The students who stood up for him by turning over news vans and worshipping on his front lawn should be ashamed. I'm sure they aren't and I'm also sure most of them will be solid rock ribbed Republicans when they grow the fuck up.

When Nebraska played back there last week, much was made of the giant circle jerk praying being done before the game. So what? All the praying in the world aint gonna change a thing. There are abusers and there are victims. There are co-conspirators in covering up said abuse. A lot of them were out on that field "praying". That made me sick too.

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