Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hamlin-Hernandez 2012!

Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez thinks he's Christ. He shot up the White House because he thinks Obama is the devil, or the anti-christ or some Muslim Kenyan or whatever.

Then there's Loren Hamlin. He's in jail doing 3-5 years in Lincoln,Nebraska for burglary. He was eligible to be let out in April of 2012. But Loren decided to write the President of the United States a little letter from his cozy jail cell. He told Barack Obama when he gets out of jail in April of 2012, he's going to track him down and kill him. Once again, he wrote the letter from the penitentiary. You do know all about that censoring thing in prison, right, Loren?

So you have a religious nut from Idaho, Ramiro, who should have been at that crying religious whackfest over in Iowa with Gingrich and Cain and the rest proclaiming he is Christ and how Obama is the anti-him.

Then you have Loren, a complete imbecile, probably about as smart as Cain and certainly as smart as Santorum (dont google it).

So there you have it, my friends, the dream ticket for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. An idiot and a religious kook.

Hamlin-Hernandez 2012! Because the Republicans aren't quite ready for a Hispanic top of the ticket type.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that the world is jammed packed with idiots, religious freaks, and other wack-a-loons and maroons. But by gawd, it never ceases to amaze me these "individuals" who crawl out from under rocks!

    That being said, Bonnie and I certainly enjoy your blog. Keep it up and keep laughing at the world, if it wasn't for that I'd be crying!

