Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here's To You, Mr. Simon!

There are relatively few musical geniuses around who still matter after all these years. Most of the musical geniuses of the past are content with touring and playing their hits for the adoring masses of baby boomers willing to part with a Benji or two. Then there's the others. The ones who still write songs with great lyrics and social commentary relevant to today's world. Dylan, Springsteen, Young, and perhaps the greatest of them all, Paul Simon.

Paul Simon came to town last night not even 24 hours after a talentless goofball named Ax'l Rose showed up 2 1/2 hours late and played until 1:30 in the morning for the tweakers willing to stay and listen. The stench was still in the arena when Paul Simon took the stage promptly at 8:15 for a 2 hour concert full of old hits and new songs that kicked ass. Backed by a band of veteran players so diverse in their musical talents I saw a drummer pick up a guitar while still sitting at the drums, soloing on the guitar and then hammering the drums some more. WTF? This is great stuff.

Paul Simon is a genius. His voice is still there. His songwriting talent is still there. His guitar playing is beyond reproach. His band is top notch. Once again, music made me glad to be alive.

One of the most extraordinary things I've ever witnessed during the first encore. Simon played an acoustic version of the Sounds of Silence. You could have heard hair falling out of old hippie heads it was so hushed. My god, it was moving.

We've seen it all now. Simon with Garfunkel. Garfunkel without Simon. And now Simon without Garfunkel. All three were without match. Artie has the voice of an angel. Paul has the mind of a great poet. Together....WOW...Apart...WOW.