Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bullying For Jesus!

Way to go, Michigan. Passing one of those anti-bullying laws to keep all those overfed, future teabaggers in line. Stop them from harassing some kid so much he finally ends up hanging from a curtain rod because he was born in the way God made him/her. You know, God. That invisible guy in the sky that justifies your hate, ignorance and Detroit Lions worship.Good job, Michigan Republicans. No more bullying in Michigan. Not only that, the atheist pro-bullying Dumbocrats all voted no on your bill. I knew you Republicans were the way and the light. I am officially changing my registration to Republican as soon as I can whip up some good old fashioned disgust for my fellow man. WHAT?????

What's this? I have been informed that Michigan Republicans inserted a tiny little exception to this anti-bullying legislation. If you have a "“sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” you can go right ahead and call the theater kids "fags" and nothing can be done because Jesus hates homos, we all know that.

The father of Matt Eppling, a young 14 year old kid, who after being bullied by the closet cases at an East Lansing school, killed himself back in 2002 even said this law is complete bullshit. Kevin Eppling stated, in effect, bullying is a-ok in Michigan. As long as your pretend icon tells you it is. Nice going, Michigan Republicans.

My solution to this law is simple. Conjure up some "religious beliefs and moral convictions" and start bullying the shit out of everybody in the Bible club. Ram your car into the guy with the "Abortion Stops a Beating Heart" bumper sticker. Turn off the oxygen tank of the next teabagger you see. Lock his wheels on his Gubmint provided scooter he rolls around in. Call Eric Cantor a pencil neck. Pinch Herman Cain on his ass. Start bullying Republicans, America. It all has to do with your
"religious beliefs and moral convictions".

"Religious beliefs and moral convictions". You know, like those 19 guys had back on September 11th, 2001.

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