Friday, November 4, 2011

Omaha's Famous Vacant Lot!

Hey it's Breeders Cup weekend and for those of you who have no idea what that means, well you are in the majority. The vast majority. It's horse racing's Super Bowl. And since it's a sport I love, it, like baseball, is on the decline as the millions who follow it are all at death's door. Compared to the other clientele at a track I am a toddler. When I go to a racetrack, I feel like playing on the jungle gym, I get carded, I get asked if I've lost my daddy, I cry when my horsie gets tired and finishes 4th, I ask for a sippy cup for my Coors Light, I ask people when it's going to get over, I fall down a lot, and I wonder why a 1200 pound animal lets a drunken midget tell it what to do.

This brings me to my point. Why DOES a 1200 pound muscled animal let some 110 pound person, probably hungover and cranky tell it what the hell to do? Well for one thing, horses are dumb. This is my same question to the water carriers of the right. Why do you let 1% of the population tell you what to do? Are you dumb too?

Recently the Occupy Omaha folks were "evicted" from a vacant lot in an Omaha neighborhood known for run down apartments, goat restaurants, crack dealers and sweatshirted hookers. The reason the city gave for "evicting" them from the world renowned vacant lot was because of complaints from the neighborhood "residents" of open fires and pissing in public. Chrissakes, in that neighborhood, those activities would be considered revitalization.

To get to my point, I read comments on news websites. Probably not a good idea, but I cannot resist feeling intellectually superior while reading to the ramblings of Husker69 on how he/she sees people at the Wal Mart buying lobsters and caviar with food stamps while talking on their I Phones and hopping into their Cadillac Escalades while dragging their 8 kids back to their taxpayer funded mansion. Just cannot resist I tell ya.

The comments on the "eviction" of Occupy Omaha floored me. "Dirty hippies", "Unemployed losers", "smelly felons", "lazy bums", "welfare scum", "communists", "socialist Obama supporters", "too bad the cops didn't shoot a few of them", "drop them off in the 'hood and see how long they stay". Yeah, quality well thought out stuff like that comprised 90% of the comments. Either that or Herman Cain was working overtime typing out nonsense in between hitting on chicks on

My question goes back to the beginning. I assume most of these people are not the 1%. I mean, to give them some of their own medicine, don't any of you "morans" have jobs? You seem to have plenty of time to pound out hate inspired shit like that all day long. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Nobama2012! Why do you let the 100 pound dude sit on your back and whip you into doing what they want you to do? Are you stupid? The 100 pounder, the 1%, has no power unless you give it to him/her. And you give it to them on a regular basis. The Koch Bros are whipping the shit out of you and then telling you it's not them, it's that horse next to you crowding you. You buy that?

I've often wondered why a stupid horse, sick of being whipped, doesn't just get fed up, stop running, throw the 100 pounder off his back, and stomp the shit out of them. A tiny part of me would cheer that. Ok, a large part of me would cheer that but nonetheless, horses are dumb. Humans are not. STOP letting that little guy whip your ass. You have the power. Goddamnit, start using it.

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