Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cain & Enable!

Oh Herman Cain. You old rascal you. I know the restaurant industry is full of young "actresses" looking to take your order, but come on, Herman, not THAT kind of order.

Rick Perry, you ol' sweet talker you. Rambling on like a drunken George W Bush at an AA meeting. I've never like ya better, Rick. You sounded like a lot of fun. If you were sittin' around the Eagles club on Prime Rib night. Not so much if you want to run the free world.

This is what they have to run against Obama? A man who has settled sexual harrassment lawsuits, who bursts into song on a whim, who states "I don't have the facts on this but...", a man who wants to fry Mexicans on an electric fence, a man who has so black a heart he states the 10-25% of his fellow countrymen without meaningful employment have only themselves to blame, a man so warped in his values he goes straight to a human maggot like Rush Limbaugh to fight his battles for him, and a man who wears a hat right out of a Superfly movie?

Another man, a Texas nitwit who rambles on incoherently and loses in the coherence department to the likes of Michele Bachmann? A man who coldly allows an innocent man to be lethally injected and then fires the state board members who call him on it? A so called Christian who has presided over more killings than any other state leader and is applauded for it? A man who falls for the Canadian version of The Onion and quotes from a fake story? A man who sucks up to a vulgar fake millionaire like Donald Trump and digs up the birther nonsense only the craziest of the crazy buy into any more. A man who put up with a rock emblazoned with an N bomb for years on his huntin' preserve?

This what the GOP has to offer? The only challengers to Plastic Man? The only challengers? Are you kidding me?

The Robot, Willard Romney, is bad enough. A flip flopping, principle-less, erectile dysfunction model looking whitebread dullard, Romney is perfect for the GOP'ers who simply want to offer up another Bob Dole and get 2012 over with. He has nothing to offer the meat chomping conservatives who somehow think their loud, boorish behavior dominates American politics. Romney is a loser. The kind of guy a 35 year old unmarried woman settles for. Perfectly good provider, looks good, and has the excitement of a vibrator without batteries. That's Romney. A vibrator. A cheap one at that.

Obama has troubles. That's for sure. But don't forget this guy is a vicious campaigner. He know his shit. He knows his pop culture. He is with it. He reads. He watches bad TV. He knows what a Kardashian is. He knows who LMFAO is. He knows about Dancing with the "Stars". He knows what The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is. He knows what Steve Jobs' last words were. This guy is hip.

Romney is the guy who stands to pose with young black kids and suddenly shouts out "Who let the dogs out? Woof woof". Nice 2000 drop, Willard. None of those kids were even alive when that novely song came out. What's next? A nice 1993 Whoomp There It Is shout out? Willard, you are simply too white to win. I never thought I'd say this but compared to a stiff like Romney, John Kerry looks like Snoop Dogg. Fo shizzle ma nizzle!

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