Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Trump Trial!

 Well, its over. The trial of Sleepy Donald Trump took 6 weeks to finish, had a slew of shady witnesses, just the kind of people Trump has surrounded himself with for 50 years. And now the chickens have come home to roost.

Trump didn't testify after promising to for weeks but who really expected him to get on the stand and commit perjury. Nobody with a sense of reality. Trump lies constantly with no consequences but fortunately he may have lied one too many times and will be a fucking convict by weeks end. 

This trial has gone on for so long we actually were there almost a month ago. As stated, the MAGA presence was minimal despite the Defendant crowing that thousands of MAGAts were being kept from being there by police or imaginary feds. Once again, we literally saw 3 people with Trump signs, none of whom spoke English. Can you say minimum wage? 

I won't pretend to be a lawyer and yap about intent and the constitution and other legal issues I know little about. I don't know if Trump will be convicted or not. I just hope so and if it's because I hate the motherfuckers guts, so be it. It's like Trumps hero, the man he keeps referring to as his role model, Al Capone. Everybody knew Capone was a murderous thug, but the way to get him was not paying taxes on his ill gotten gains. Same with Trump. Everybody knows he's a scumbag lying mob boss, but if the way to get him is his balance sheet and fraudulent entries, so be it again.

Trump is a danger to democracy. If he wins, he will take his revenge and this country will turn into what the right has wanted for 50 years. A right-wing dictatorship that will make white men supreme again. This is the goal and Trump is their puppet. The fact he is so close makes one wonder about Americans. The dumber we get; the danger becomes more relevant. 

The jury can do America a favor by convicting this son of a bitch and Judge Merchan can do the country a favor by jailing the thuggish blowhard. The evidence be damned. Save America!

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