Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Well, the son of a bitch finally won a popular vote. Unfortunately for Trump, it was a jury of 12 that won him that vote, unanimously I might add. How many electoral votes is that worth?

As the media hovered over the courthouse and the media back at the studio breathlessly speculated that every little thing like jury instructions and jury questions and the time they deliberated meant a hung jury, or an acquittal, or that Trump would flee to Russia, the only thing you can conclude is nobody knows nuthin about juries. What a waste of time the 24/7 news is. They fill the 24 hours with talking heads and people who know nothing more than anybody else does yet pretend they do. 

When the verdict came in, the Trump sycophants and toadies went to social media to express their outrage over something they have no idea about. All they know is their Dear Leader has been held accountable for his criminality and though many of them hope privately that the fuckin anchor around their neck goes away for life, they must support Kim Jong Trump or the base of angry white trash may turn on them too. The death threats and swatting and the temper tantrums scare many politicians into blind fealty to this felon. Thus, I laugh at most of them as they flail for relevance and votes.

Trump is guilty, 34 times. The legal system did what it was supposed to do, just as it did when that slimy punk Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted by a jury of 12. But the MAGAts don't like the legal system when it does something they don't like. Its "corrupt" or "rigged" or "biased" against rich white men. The judiciary was made to do its job, independently, by those guys that MAGA claims to worship, the Founding Fathers. It did its fucking job today just like it was set up to do.

Donald J Trump, convicted felon. Thats a fact. No pardon is coming even if he wins. It's a state charge and it will remain a state conviction. There's nothing the lickspittles in Congress can do about it.

After 70 years of being a complete narcissistic, soulless scumbag, Donnie has been held accountable. It's about time. 

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