Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sound Of Freedom!

 First of all who isn't against child trafficking? 

I oppose child trafficking.

I oppose sexual abuse of all types

I oppose pedophilia 

I think this guy is nuts.

I went to this movie today to take the bullet and prove lefties can be objective about controversy. Attendance was spotty and most of the crowd was either 16 or 70 including me and some guy loudly snoring thru half of it. So that was fun.

Angel Studios, the outfit that put this movie out, does some quality work. The Chosen series is so well done whether you believe in Jesus or not. It's a compelling story about a rabble rouser who shakes up the times and whether they mean it or not, Jesus comes across as a liberal and a regular dude. So Sound of Freedom, the movie put out by them, is well done. It's basically Taken, Nobody, John Wick, Death Wish or any vigilante movie from the 70s or 80s without the swearing and the violence. Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard is a Homeland Security agent who decides that nabbing pedophiles isnt good enough and decides to quit his job to go find missing children in Columbia being trafficked for sex. Thats about it. Danger, suspense, cute kids, great character actors like Bill Camp and a moral compass nobody can be against. The traffickers and pedophiles are standard issue sweaty, fat, snaggle toothed creeps right out of central casting and Caviezel almost has a halo at times. But its a solid movie.

To the righties. This aint a documentary. Tim Ballard is sketchy at best in real life. You are not obligated by some sort of holy decree to go to this movie. It made a lot of money yes, but its not going to change anything. There are no scenes of so called groomers is state houses all over the country. No Democrats eat any babies nor is Hollywood even mentioned. So tough luck righties, its just a standard thriller.

To the lefties. There's no propaganda here. Theres no preaching. Theres no QAnon bullshit. The simple acknowledgement that children do get trafficked is not some sort of agreement that Q is correct or that you are suddenly MAGA. Nothing of the kind. Its s standard thriller.

So what's with all the hubbub?  Ya got me. I went to it. I didnt hate it, I rooted for the good guys and was glad when the good guys won. Period.

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