The old joke about Iowa standing for "Idiots Out Wandering Around" could perhaps be never more true than that caravan of dumb that descended on Des Moines yesterday at the request of Governor Kim Reynolds to outlaw abortion at 6 weeks because the previous ban was overturned by the courts. Reynolds, who grins like she's witnessing a fire destroy a homeless shelter, got the sads when the abortion ban was overturned and immediately called for a special session of the Iowa lege, a gang of dopes from rural Iowa gerrymandered into a super majority. Kim, a former drunk caught 3 times for DUI's who of course found Jesus, wanted this done in a jiffy. No debate, no testimony, no process, just pass it my children. We will make up the rules as we go along and if you're quick enough, you may get home in time for a super knee slappin Hee Haw rerun.
The protestors showed up, much as they did in Nebraska, and chanted in the vestibule, The abortion bill was debated logically and with facts by the few Iowa Democrats and any amendments, such as the one that would have exempted 12 year olds and younger from being forced to have babies, were quickly shot down by the fetus fetishists.
The "heartbeat" crap was brought up again by the liars with medical degrees from Hayseed U and the 6 week ban (which actually means 2 weeks) was passed on without much opposition. Ya make the rules up as ya go along and thats what tends to happen. Then off to a tax exempt church to celebrate with Zima and loose meat sandwiches I assume.
So until the courts overturn this one (if so) Reynolds and her fellow roller coaster holy rollers can praise Jesus and make themselves a bigger pain in the ass than driving drunk or molesting Bible camp kids.
As for Iowa, the recent legalizing of child labor will open up jobs for the little freeloaders forced to be born to take at age 13. Get to work ya little urchins.
Iowa is a wonderful place for kids. Remember when the Iowa Republicans attempted to ban SNAP recipients from buying meat, cheese and bread because we all know every cent spent on feeding poor people is total fraud cuz they all drive Caddys and drink mimosas on the way home from buying lobster and booze with the food stamps.
So Iowa, its now illegal to have an abortion after a couple of weeks and per one Republican dimbulb just think about that before you have sex, probably with a sloppy GOP lawmaker and their staff and you aint got no problem.
You get raped or Daddy decides you look really purty and you get pregnant better go to the cops pronto or its illegal then too.
Iowa, formerly a purple state with reasonable middle of the road Republican Governors who served for decades at a time and represented in DC by reasonable Democrats and Republicans has suddenly gone whackadoodle with this influx of Christian nationalists and former drunks who cant handle the reasonable and must get the highs of Jesus and the lows of craving booze. Iowa is a mean place now. A place that has jumped on the Trump cruelty train and exists only to "own the libs".
As the song goes, We got Trouble right here in River City, trouble that begins with T and rhymes with C and that stands for cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
You summed things up quite nicely and does it ever suck. Last time I was there was 2012 and will never return. County I grew up in went 85/25 trump.