Thursday, December 22, 2022

Santos Or Whatever His Name Is!

 The fuckin guy got up to announce that as a gay Republican he was singlehandedly bringing MAGA to the LGBTQ community as dozens of self hating gay folks cheered. George "The Brazilian" Santos has just been elected in a Long Island congressional district licking up 54% of the vote mostly because turnout was way down from when was destroyed in 2020 by a Democrat who got to big for his britches and decided to go for the New York Governorship.

But George Santos, if that's even his real name, seems to be a lie. His resume is right out of Catch Me If You Can. He's 34 years old, if that's even his real age, and he is about to become a sworn member of Congress, if that's even a real thing. George Santos "swearing" in is like Trump's taxes. One giant fairy tale.

Lets see who George Santos claims to be. Well he started off as George DeVolder. Then George Devolder-Santos and now he's George Santos. He " graduated  " from Bernard Baruch College in 2010. Now the fact a fine Republican like Santos or Devolder of whatever the fuck his name is would go to a college named after a man who consorted with both Woodrow Wilson and FDR is strange in itself but the college itself said who the hell is George Santos or Devolder or Devolder-Santos?

Then George said he worked at Citigroup as an asset manager after college which is wonderful since my dead mother lost a shitload of money when Citigroup folded up its asset management in 2005. Whats left of Citigroup said who when asked if Gay George worked there?

Goldman Sachs, hardly the honesty champion, denied he worked there. Gorgeous George , obviously a dog lover , started a dog rescue organization that was tax exempt but the IRS also said who the fuck is George Santos and what is this dog rescue deal?

Santos, being gay and all, also was heartbroken when the Pulse nightclub was all shot up and 4 of his good friends and employees died there. Except nobody knows the connection of the 4 murder victims, the company they allegedly worked for, and Santos. There's a pattern here I think.

Santos also claimed Jewish heritage and to have lost relatives in the Holocaust even though both of his parents were born in fucking Brazil.

And finally now Santos seems to be divorced...from a woman...and a resident of Florida...

This is your GOP because it wont matter to the power brokers who just want power to get revenge. Santos is a liar, a fraud, a rich kid bored and the perfect GOP rookie for the House.

Where was this information before the 2022 election? Oh it was there, but the fucking media chose to be lazy and cover an electoral horse race for ratings and clicks. Exposing a fraud in a little known NY House race aint sexy....until now.

142,000 New York dipshits voted for this flim flam man because either the press fell down, or the Democrats showed their total incompetence, or they don't care because its just all about the R.

That's my existence here in fly over country.........R uber alles....Sad to see that exists in New York also.

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