Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Mean Girls!

 Well ya know THIS was bound to happen. The two Mean Girls of Congress, one comfortably re-elected by a constituency of mouth breathers and the other barely re-elected by a lesser gang of air deprived constituents. Because of who she is, the barely re-elected cheerleader , Bobo, took the bow shot at the TPUSA convention of the Hitler Youth and jabbed at Greene with the Jewish Space Laser nonsense. Greene retaliated with a self own about childishness and support for conservatives.

Now all of this is happening because not only of teen age narcissism but because Greene has made deals, maybe about being allowed to investigate Jewish space lasers, to vote yes on the spineless worm, Kevin McCarthy, to be Speaker of the House. Boebert, on the other hand made no such deals while she was sweating out the Homecoming Queen election, and has decided to join with underage girl enthusiast, Matt Gaetz, in the bomb throwing effort to elect a genuine certified kook to the Speakership. 

These two queens of Q are at each others throats anyway, what with the narcissism and the fact Greene speaks with White Nationalists regularly and even Boebert realizes you keep that shit on the down low. The association of these two harpies is bound by selfishness and self worship anyway but eventually the kinship becomes unsustainable as each vies for position. Boebert fired the space laser shot in a classic I'll insult you before you insult me mode. Greene fired back and also kept a few bullets in her insult gun. 

It will be my pleasure to await the rematch.

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