Friday, October 7, 2022

Nebraska District Two!


There's a lot going on in the state of Nebraska lately. Elections are generally putting some Republican dullard into office and in some cases Republican devils into office. 

The District 2 House race has taken a turn for the worse as the incumbent, a former Air Force General named Don Bacon (Dullard-Ne) has gone scorched earth on his opponent, a Democratic state Senator named Tony Vargas, One thing about District 2, though we've usually sent Republican back benchers to the House, on occasion we have rocked the boat with a Democrat or two. The District was recently gerrymandered by the GOP led legislature to take away city dwellers in suburban areas in favor of a rural county with a county seat called Wahoo (Letterman fans may recall). The District nonetheless is a very urban district, a district that overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden but for some reason (The Democratic opponent probably) put this stiff Don Bacon back into office. So we are weird.

Bacon is a tough spot. He beat an incumbent Democrat back in 2016 well because Trump was running and the crazies came out. He then beat a progressive Democratic opponent twice though barely in 18 and 20 and now she's gone away opening it up for a Democratic opponent less scary in Tony Vargas.

The polls showed a tight race but Bacon had enough of a lead to run his goofy commercials which contained nothing but puns about his last name, ya know, the Dad jokes that make you roll your eyes but really dont offend. Then came the Taxin Tony ads where Bacon accused him of voting to raise taxes which of course you can do to any politician alive. That didnt appear to work cuz the polls showed a dead heat. Now Bacon has gone full the blacks and brown are gonna kill your wife and impregnate your daughters if you vote for Tony Vargas. Absolutely no source information at the bottom of the screen, Bacon's goons are now to the point where they just make shit up. Vargas wants police defunded (lie) Vargas defended "rioters" "attacking" Omaha Police (lie) Vargas wants to release Charlie Starkweather, ya know the same old scare tactics aimed at suburban and rural voters afraid to come into Omaha past I 680 for they might see a minority.

Meanwhile Tony Vargas keeps eating pizza and telling you what he WILL do if her gets to DC. No shit about Bacon being a personhood amendment freak who would force birth EVERY woman no matter what because rape and incest and miscarriages and life and health of the mother is like 1% of all abortions per Don Bacon. That may come later and I hope it does but in the meantime Bacon continues to attack Vargas as some sort of Che Guevera. He's worried and that makes me happy.

Don Bacon is a back benching nobody. The only things hes accomplished in 3 terms is the renaming of a Post Office. He brags about voting NO on "wasteful spending " and in the same fuckin ad brags about getting federal money to build a runway and fund the medical center. He's truly a General Jekyll and Hyde. A nice family guy playing with his grandkids eating bacon yet also a screeching fascist with thinly veiled racist ads against a child of Perevian immigrants.

This whole thing cant get over fast enough. The ads from the GOP side are sickening. While its a fact that Police attacked seated BLM protesters in a street that started a "riot" the ads portray the exact opposite with the Omaha Police Union President , an accused domestic abuser, stating the poor cops have Vargas "sitting on the backs of police". Well though thats not even remotely true, some of us take it as a good thing. Somebody needs to corral the Blue Lives Matter crowd. Gawd help us if they keep control.

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