Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Hows Your Short Term Memory!

 Its 3 weeks away. As it gets closer I'm beginning to dread what I think is coming. Its really this simple. Are you willing to throw away democracy AND any chance of restoring it because inflation is bad and gas prices are high? Not that the GOP will do anything about it because they will not but to put these monsters in power because your gas receipt says whoaaaa and your airplane ticket is more expensive as you fly to Cancun or whatever is insane.

But thats America folks. Instant gratification and if I dont get it screw you. The long game isn't existent any longer. People get upset at the old 401K going down and they're 45 fuckin years old. They somehow think its and interest paying bond instead of a retirement plan that goes up (no comment) or down (throw shit around like a zoo animal) but cant be touched till you're 65. Americans have no problem sitting in a theater watching a 3 hour plus Marvel movie but if their lives arent 100% happy at any time its somebody's fault and it aint them. 

The GOP thrives on this. It also thrives on the fact they think your short term memory is shot because of Tik Tok and snap chat. It may very well be.

The Republicans want you to forget Herschel Walker's domestic violence past, his abortion fees past, his lies, his deadbeat Dad past and of course his obvious CTE. 

The Republicans want you to forget JD Vance calling Trump "America's Hitler". They want you to forget his sucking up to Alex Jones calling him a credible source, and how Vance wants to make it difficult to divorce and impossible for women to control their own health decisions.

The Republicans want you to forget that Senator Mike Lee openly emailed Mark Meadows to let crazy people like Sidney Powell or John Eastman into the tent and let them attempt the overthrow of a duly elected government. 

The Republicans want you to forget Don Bacon and his ultimate goal not of banning abortion at 15 weeks, but of the adoption of a Personhood Amendment which would outlaw women's health choices the minute they became pregnant. They want you to forget that they care only to control women and again look at the above votes above, they don't give a shit about the baby or the mother.

The Republicans want you to forget that numerous of their candidates pushed the idiotic litter box story about children pissing in a litter box because they identify as a cat, this of course is nothing more than made up response to trans Americans who they loathe. Unfortunately there's a lot of GOPers who are dumb enough to buy the story.  They want you to forget that.

The Republicans count on you to forget it all. The votes listed above, they want you to forget it. And according to some polls you are. Forgetting their treachery and their complete devotion to their donor class is their goal. They don't give a fuck about you. They only pretend to. 

Thats what is up for grabs in 3 weeks. Instant gratification unfulfilled in the form of Fascism or a continuation of the constitutional republic for which it stands.

Its up to you. 

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