Thursday, July 14, 2022

What The Hell's Going On Out Here?

Things we know 
1) Donald Trump is really into witness tampering. Calling potential witnesses to what, strong arming them into not testifying, offering bribes, charming them with his rapier like wit? Whatever the case the Felon in Chief is breaking federal law, probably daily and nobody does a damn thing about it.

2) Somewhere, Richard Nixon is telling Satan he should be let out because hey hey look at this fuckin guy. Nixon was a paranoid psychotic intent on stopping a guy who would end up with 1 state to his credit from beating him in the 1972 election. He used amateur crooks like G Gordon Liddy and a gang of Cubans to come up with a plan featuring  kidnapping of political opponents and murders of journalists (the current MAGA wet dream) . Once Liddy showed them his "plans" John Mitchell, felonious AG, said yeah Gordo, not really what we had in mind. Nixon is rank amateur compared to this bunch of thugs.

3) Steve Bannon, who seems to think he's the puppet master of fascist America, is on tape with the plan to steal the election by simply telling the Psycho in Chief to just claim victory no matter what the figures were. They didnt care about any of the voting, they were just gonna claim victory and let the chips fall where they may. And the fucking walking scab laughed about it. Yet he's a free man talking to Nebraska Nazis who just took over the Republican Party here in the Good Life.

4) The cops in Uvalde are the WORST police force in the fucking world. Video of them standing in a school while shots ring out and children scream in terror as they are being slaughtered (we have removed children screaming from the video) is a disgrace. Body armored up, armed to the teeth, they stood there like a bunch of rag dolls waiting to be played with while a lone, thats LONE gunman blew childrens faces and bodies apart with a gun he should never have had. And whos to blame per the Mayor of Uvalde? The media for showing the video. Goddamn, Texas is one fucked up place. Just secede ffs.

5) Republicans on the House Oversight and Reform Committee have got to be some of the dumbest, smuggest, shitheels on earth. Congressman Jody Hice actually asked a question out LOUD to a witness if a woman could give birth to a turtle or a taco? Womens Law Center Prez Fatima Graves shook her head and realized she was talking to a fucking toddler brained Georgia cracker who then asked if we should kill people who need insulin....dont ask...Since his vote to not reduce the price of insulin earlier is a facy I would guess his answer would be yes. 

6) Elon Musk, proud spreader of his plug in seed, against the Ranter in Chief is a fight I will just sit back and enjoy. Beat each other up fellas and watch MAGA heads explode.

7) 10 year old girls dont get raped in MAGA world, and they certainly dont get pregnant and go from Ohio to Indiana to get an abortion, its all a made up lie by Joe Biden per Jim Jordan, sexual abuse enabler, Clay Travis, a lump of shit who talks and the Wall Street Journal editorial board, a bunch of rod up their ass stuffed shirts living in a bubble to divert attention away from,,,,,,,,,,wait what.....its real? The borrrrrrder, inflation, Biden is senile, socialism blah blah blah.....quick erase what I said....ever hear of tape and screen shots. The fuckers dont even have the decency to admit their error, instead opting to listen to a balloon headed white Indiana Attorney General who is "exploring" prosecuting the doctor who did the perfectly legal abortion. These people just suck

Things We Dont Know

When the fuck is Merrick Garland going to so something about all of this??

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