Monday, July 11, 2022

Bannon And Rhodes On Center Stage!

 Donald Trump says yeah Steve I waive "executive privilege" whatever that is and sure you can testify before the thing I so cleverly call the "Unselect Committee" .

Whoa there podna, when a piece of shit like Bannon or that pirate from the Oath Keepers suddenly decide they want to testify in front of your committee just do a Nancy Reagan and say fuck no. The self described "Leninist" Bannon, who openly said he wants to dismantle government from the inside, by testifying would be a fucking circus promoted by the ex-Clown in Chief himself.  That pirate Oath Keeper guy, Stewy Rhodes, same deal. Those two traitors are sure as shit up to something if they claim to cooperate. What that is who cares? Unless of course they agree to testify from under the jail.

The Select Committee is crushing Donald Trump and his minions. Its an absolute one sided fight at this point and the introduction of Bannon and Rhodes only lets the guy with the chair into the ring. As much as Trump is basically a WWE politician the Select Committee is the NFL and the Former Guy is out of his league since theres no script. Vince McMahon isnt going to pull $12 million out of his ass to save him.

If the committee is intent on letting these two unkempt hooligans screech like chimps so be it. Just make sure no television cameras are going to allow the secret messages go out to the Orange Slime and his gang of baboons. 

Its really the first bad idea this committee has had.

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