Monday, September 6, 2021

Thinking Again!

 Its been awhile. Its overwhelming to live normally any longer. If you're not a drugged out zombie lurching from day to day in some happy pipe dream every single day brings a new outrage, a new realization that humanity is close to extinction, that people in this nation have no desire to learn anything new, that America is fast becoming a nation of mean nasty assholes and fascism is the preferred choice of way more people than I ever thought, it sometimes depresses you to the who the hell cares mode. Im over that now.

1) The entire L part of the country, ya know that L on the map going from North Dakota down to Texas and over to South Carolina is a gigantic tumor on the rest of humanity. What motivates these people? Anything other than owning the libs? A feeling of inferiority that can only be handled by getting even dumber, more crass and putting your own life at risk just to feel in charge. Here in Nebraska, usually a reasonable race of people, the two cities with any sense of diversity and liberal thought, have over 70% vaccination rates, while that overall state rate is barely 50%. Basic math tells you that if you remove the cities from Nebraska (oh be still my heart) the rest of the state is resisting big time. The recent study showed that in each Nebraska county the bigger percentage of the vote that T***P received, some as much as 90% , the vaccination rate plummeted. That'll show em right MAGA? This is insanity . Welcome to Rickettsastan.

2) Texas. How in the fuck did Texas residents allow this to happen? Texas is between 45-50% blue. Yet the GOP terrorists have such a stranglehold that they are allowed to turn it into Taliban State. The abortion law in Texas written by white males with real repression issues isn't about saving lives, its about controlling the harpies who tempt them. For chrissakes, Texas whacks living breathing real humans all the time, some of whom may even be guilty and not railroaded to save a DA's reelection bid. So why the sudden concern about a rice sized glob? Control. Control of a gender they fear. And the deputization of rootin tootin vigilantes to enforce it is perhaps the most Texas thing since they assassinated a President. Abbottistan may be worse than Rickettsastan. Makes you wish the tree had been bigger.

3) College football is back. Packed stadiums full of maskless morons screaming and spitting at each other over watching 20 years olds play a game. Announcers are so excited they are just short of masturbating right there on the air.  The reaction of this year, full stadiums, no masks, no vaccination proof, is a direct reaction to last year's mandates of no fans, no fun and the most important factor, no money . Athletic directors all over, basically money changers, are risking lives to rake in the bread. Cross your fingers and hope nobody dies is sound medical strategy. 

4) A personal story related to the above. My Dad's college of choice after WW2 was Fordham University in New York City. I used to enjoy his stories of 1940s New York, Yankee Stadium, The Polo Grounds, being a messenger in Manhattan, Joe DiMaggio, heckling Ted Williams, bad football. This year my alma mater, the University of Nebraska, scheduled Fordham to be a paid sacrificial ram in the first game in Lincoln in 2 years. I was giddy. Oh how my Dad would have loved being there in Fordham gear and telling everyone he a Fordham grad. So I was going to be his surrogate Fordham fan. I had his old FU hat, his old Fordham t shirt he only wore once before he passed. I had to be there. Then came the University non policy. No requirement for masks, no vaccination proof, just business as usual. Jam yourself into a seat made in 1923 for 1923 asses and have the person next to you sitting on your lap. Thanks Nebraska. My dream crushed yet again by your 1923 vision of life. I didn't go. Sorry Dad.

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