Tuesday, September 7, 2021



Disorder in Afghanistan. The perceived botching of an evacuation. Forced forward by a political party that openly supports an insurrection to restore a mad man to office though he lost by 8 million votes. Jump on Biden, blame him for the deaths of 13 Marines blown up by a daily occurrence in that country. A suicide bomber. Call for his impeachment, call for him to resign. Call him senile. Divert attention from their true goal. To gain back power. 

Meanwhile the chaos going on in this country gets worse and worse. The vaccinated Republicans casting doubts on the prevention of even further damage. Ginning up a base of weak minded cultists to deny science, refuse masks, hawk quack remedies of horse de-wormer and snake venom instead of simply getting a free fucking shot . Look, idiots, these GOP ghouls don't give a rats ass about you. They care about retaining their money funnel. And by denying Joe Biden any progress on getting this pandemic behind us, by denying Joe Biden the credit for one of the most efficient evacuations since Dunkirk, by doing nothing to advance the country they load their bullshit guns for 2022. Hey and it may work.

Americans are not smart. They believe whatever they see on Facebook from some Russian bot. The refuse facts. They hang in their bubbles and think anything that goes against them is rigged. They worship a game show host with fake hair, a fake tan, and a fake sense of humanness. Because they're dumb.

Covid 19 should be completely manageable by now. But these mush brains, fueled by Republican bullshit artists, Republican bullshit TV news networks, and Russian propaganda designed to create this chaos have stalled any progress. In fact we are regressing. Going back to square one. Record number of infections, unvaccinated children put at risk, Republican Governors participating in the stalling to satisfy their own political ambitions to be the next Cult Leader. Loudmouthed thugs disrupting meetings designed to save lives, the sight of nurses and health care workers demonstrating outside overcrowded hospitals against vaccinations. It is insanity. 

The only silver lining? MAGA devastated by their own ignorance. I'm just not above it any longer. Just fucking die already.

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