Monday, February 15, 2021

Save Us Again Please!

 Its fucking over. Last weeks shit show in which I actually believed for a hot minute that the heated phone call in which T***P brazenly told House Leader Kevin McCarthy that he didnt give a damn about Pence, or McCarthy or anybody else in harms way up there at that there Capitol may have brought some Republicans on board for conviction, it was not to be. 43 cowards voted to acquit a mob boss who is on tape calling his soldiers to arms. 43 chickenshits, whether true believers in the concept of fascism and one man rule, or scared little kittens afraid the T***P thugs will actually kill them or their families voted to let this obese Ox off the hook. It truly is frightening. But its over, right?

At least on a political level. We may never ever have to listen , hear, or see that fucking disgrace ever again. Part of the reason I held the remote in my hand during every moment of that overwhelming prosecution of a  gangster was due to the House Managers playing video of T***P insisting his mob of morons march up the street and kill people and I could mute his voice. My head didnt ache, my neck wasnt stressed into tightness unless I heard that mind boggling bullshit coming out of the  Treasonist in Chief's pie hole. It was just as stressful to witness history as it was to live it. That fucking voice. My Gawd it was like PTSD. He'd been gone for  3 weeks and I was already cured. Like the environment when not exposed to toxic gas, I was healing. Then this.

But its over. He got away with it again, despite the blatherings of Mitch McConnell trying to have it both ways on the Senate floor after he voted to acquit a man he obviously hates. Our only hope now is various local prosecutors like Fulton County DA Fani Wills, who seems intent on indicting this bribery artiste'. Perhaps NY Attorney General Letitia James will get her ducks in a row and put the entire Crime Family where they belong, Sing Sing. 

 Nonetheless, for this Putz in Chief to still be walking around free, emboldened by his perceived victory, and his cult members still willing to kill for him, is dangerous for all of us. His grift continues, his bullshit continues, his cult of personality continues and once again, America may have to be saved by the only thing with the guts to remove this toxic sludge of a man from the hanging by a thread  democracy.

The African American woman. They've saved us before. They can do it again.

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