Wednesday, February 17, 2021


In the 1990s I used to drive around with a Flush Rush bumper sticker on my vehicle. The reactions were varied but I will say it was 5 middle fingers for every raised thumbs up. Once in a great while a shouting match would occur until I realized they had guns and I didnt. The reaction to dissing a radio yakker should have been warning to what was coming. The right loves their blowhards. 

Rush Limbaugh died today after a lifetime of denying reality whether it be his own health or the nations health. I'm not gloating though at one point he was the only human being on Earth I hated. He became irrelevant sometime in about 2000 after his nemesis Bill Clinton left office though he maintained his devotees, aka Cult, that moved on to another blabbermouth sometime in about 2015.

I used to listen to Limbaugh in the late 1980s. He was kidding, right? He made me think. He made me angry. He wasn't really serious, right? I kept expecting , despite Maya Angelou's advice to accept who somebody is when they tell you,  that he would suddenly tear off his fat face and switch sides like all con artists do. But he didn't. 

Limbaugh was the classic example of the overfed, cigar chomping , country club living, golf playing, boisterous bigoted Republican. The classic stereotype of the kind of guy the Republicans should shun. But the GOP decided in about 1994 that this crude, insulting, dishonest way of life was successful and Limbaugh was their bullhorn. Little did we know what was coming.

Rush is gone now. The ultimate white supremacist. The guy who started this nation down the Asshole Highway. Mean and nasty, openly bigoted, speaking his muddled mind, openly disdainful of the gays, the blacks, the kids, he was on par with Joe McCarthy and other demagogues who easily fool the American right. 

I still wont gloat. I stopped paying attention to him long ago. It was despicable that one Loudmouth gave another Loudmouth a Medal of Freedom. Despicable. It cheapened the award forever. But it worked because it owned the libs, me included. And isn't that all that matters to the Cult? The cult that followed one braying jackass to another, The bitters that cannot accept equality because that means they arent more equal like it used to be.

Be Gone El Rushbo! You've now achieved what you mocked others about. You have assumed room temperature. 


  1. Since you won't gloat, I'm more than happy to do that for you.
