Thursday, January 30, 2020
Fleas Fleas Fleas!
Joni Ernst has had enough. She doesnt want to hear anymore nonsense cuz her mind has been made up since Trump told her it was. Its infuriating to no end for the fix thats in play to exist, but the utter arrogance and outright laughing in peoples faces is the truly galling thing about this clown show.
Iowa is right across the river. For some reason, the ridiculous white privilege inspired Iowa caucuses make politicians jockeying for position practically move to the state. It really is a sight to see. Iowa loves it. Makes them feel important which of course they are not. And Joni Ernst is the worst of the worst.
Ya know, Iowa used to elect totally worthless people to the Senate and leave them there forever. I mean that old coot Chuck Grassley has been in office since 1981. I know because in an old life I sat there and talked with him. He was a reasonable down to earth dude. Wrong about everything but hard to dislike. Dumb as a rock but hard to hate. Totally worthless but a nice guy.
Iowa would then elect a Democrat to the other Iowa Senate seat and keep them there forever as a kind of balance.
Then came 2008 and the black guy. And white Iowa, like the rest of white nation, lost its ever loving mind. The nuts came out of the woodwork. Iowa no exception.
Thats where Joni Ernst came from. The rotted woodwork. And the white Iowans of 2014 said sure, Joni's our gal. Joni Ernst gave a speech that can be best be described as Cruella De Ville on roids. Listen to that cackle and tell me buyers remorse wouldnt set in.
Since her election, Joni Ernst has claimed to have been raped, a victim of domestic violence and had her hair change colors like a spinning kaleidoscope. Yet here she is, a victim of rape and violence defending an accused rapist and violent abusive creep. And defending him with great glee. So utterly arrogant and overly confident, she pushed a fellow collaborating Republican Senator aside just to start screaming nyah nyah nyah hey hey hey goodbye and spilling the beans on whats really going on here.
Ernst said, out loud, "Iowa caucuses are this next Monday evening. And I'm really interested to see how this discussion today informs and influences the Iowa caucus voters, those Democratic caucus goers. Will they be supporting VP Biden at this point?"
For fucks sake, can you be even more blunt? Thats what scares the living shit out of the fascist side of this election. Joe Biden. Joe Biden, with his blue collar roots, his propensity to drop an F bomb now and then, and the fact he is the anti-Trump scares the Trump Crime Family like the SDNY will in a year or so.
So when greasy TV lawyers send hours talking about everything EXCEPT defending their traitorous boss, Ernst was listening so closely she couldnt wait to spike the ball at the 10. Ernst is without a doubt out of her fucking mind. And shes up for re-election and 5 points underwater on the approval poll.
Thus like other Collaborators up for election, she has made the decision that because her party has lost anyone of any sanity and is now run by nuts and populated by white trash, she must appeal to them and them only. Lose your sanity and go full Dear Leader. Go full dictatorship. To save ones self, destroy democracy.
Joni Ernst has laid down with the mangy unwashed dogs and now she has fleas.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Absolutely Nothing Wrong!!!
The president did absolutely nothing wrong.
And with that, the Presidents defense team launches into what will be, in the end, a rant of conspiracy theories. lies, denials of facts, and inevitably an attack on Joe and Hunter Biden.
But Saturday was nothing more than an opening salvo in a fixed fight. The fighter with the judges in his pockets, the handlers with the judges in their pockets and the judges, fresh off playing with fidget spinners, reading carefully selected books, and breaking rules by running outside to make sure the rubes back home see their favorite Trumpian bootlicker talking about something they arent even in the chamber to see defending the Dear White Leader the hicks so love.
The Ukraine. That place Mike Pompeo thinks is unimportant and lies about. The place where this whole disgusting crime started. The place where the President thought he could strong arm into doing what he does best. Breaking every rule in the book because thats what he does. Why do things the right way when the wrong way is so much more fun? The wrong way is so much easier because the Dear Leader is basically a lazy lumbering pathological liar without an ounce of fair play in him.
The Ukraine, the place that interfered in the 2016 election to elects Hillary Clinton. The place that invaded Russia. The place that a couple of guys named Guliani and Parnas never have even heard of. The place where the Thug from Queens made the perfect phone call. The Ukraine, the place of no pressure.
When the fight is fixed, you dont even have to try. You can lay in the corner taking blow after blow, you can sit on your stool and not even come out, you can be knocked down numerous times, you can stick your jaw out and let the other fighter lay you out because you know the 10 secind count will take as long as necessary because the refs in your pocket.
This fixed fight was started on a Saturday, the "death valley of TV ratings" per the Gangster from Queens, and the really crazy lies were put out there. No mention of Lev Parnas or Rudy Guliani. No mention of the Bidens which I'm sure will result in hours and hours of a defense team of hissing raccoons and sewer dwelling TV lawyers screeching the name Biden.
Meanwhile the Punk from Queens tweets out his cute liddle' insulting nicknames and watches his trial in real time, doing his "job" as he always does. Watching TV and getting boners at the mention of his name.
Everyone knows this fixed fight will end with a split decision in favor of the Bigfoot from Queens. At which point we will hear from the collaborators how offended they were by the Democrats case. How offended they were by the heads on a pike allegation. How offended they were by the attacks on their integrity. How offended they were by the truth.
Yet the people who think know whats happening here. The evidence is getting worse by the day. Yet we will get no witnesses, no evidence, no nothing except cowards bowing to a Goon from Queens. Its really sad to watch an empire crumble. And the fact its OUR empire makes it even more appalling.
The Mobster from Queens has done "absolutely nothing wrong".
God has stopped shedding his grace on thee.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The "Trial"!!!
This farce of a "Trial" has begun. Democracy is in the crosshairs right now. This "Trial" will quite frankly decide if this country has a President, even one as dangerous as this mentally ill idiot on "Trial", or a King, a dictator or a tyrant. While 30-40% of the American public is stupid and lazy enough to want an Orange King who owns the libs, that leaves 60-70% of us who do not want a syphilitic moron running the show. But Americans dont seem to give a shit. Hong Kong is in danger of losing their freedom to a regime of thugs who run over people with tanks and millions upon millions take to the streets to demand their sovereignty, risk their lives, and care about their home.
Meanwhile in DC, a couple of shysters name Jay Sekulow and Pat Cipollone lie, blatantly lie, in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in a defense of a thug from Queens who is watching in Europe listening to every word. Im no lawyer, but usually in a court, or at a "Trial" the defense defends its client. The two chuckleheads attack the other side. They dont defend the Gangster from Queens, they attack much like their master. This is not as much of a defense as it is a tryout for Fox News or the blatant boot licking of an orange punk. How a judge, any judge, much less the Supreme Court Chief Justice can listen to an attorney lie in his courtroom without putting a stop to it. Roberts has that power. So Far he has not. The goddamned lie told by Cippolone that Adam Schiff would not let Republican colleagues into the hearing room was right there. A provable lie. This whole fucking thing is a joke led by a traitor named #MoscowMitch. Get off your ass, America. Your fucking right to continue to lie to yourself and others that you live in the "greatest country on Earth". That will soon be as big of a lie as Cippolone told if this "Trial" goes the way it looks like it will go.
A small piece of advice to future lawyers from a guy who plays one in my living room. To defend your client by attacking the prosecution is not a defense. Its a diversion. That diversion may work with a certain segment of the population. It doesnt work with the rest of us. And it wouldn't work in ANY court of law. The Judge wold put an end to it, the jury would take about 5 minutes to convict and the appeal based on shitty counsel would begin.
Except now. The cowards on the jury are already in line. Most of them are already sitting there punching the NO button.
I swear if there is ONE Republican left in this disgraceful Senate in 6 years this country deserves to fall into the abyss. The greatest deliberating body in the world has become the personal servants to a man they wouldn't let into their homes. A disgusting indecent family of grifters who have mesmerized white people into believing their reign is over. People who call a former porn actress, oh not Stormy Daniels, but Melania Trump the "classiest" First Lady in history. People who say they will vote for a wimpish son of a con artist named Junior whose own father thinks is a dolt. People who hold up a First Daughter, a truly despicable sweat shop owner, as a role model. These people are delusional. And the base of a cretinous dishonest bum from Queens.
I fear when this "Trial" is over, so is the United States. Hong Kong should be your role model, not some cowardly Senator afraid of the goon from Queens.
The mobster from Queens is your Chinese Government, folks. Act like Hong Kong. Act like you give a shit. Please
Monday, January 20, 2020
MLK Day?
Thousands of dickless wonders converged upon the Virginia State Capitol on Monday, many carrying long rifles, assault weapons and wearing helmets and flak jackets on Martin Luther King Day. Yep, long rifles and assault weapons on MLK Day . Martin Luther King, the hero murdered by a white man with a long gun. His day. Shit on by thousands of white men with masks. The modern day equivalent of a KKK Rally.
Spurred on by the Racist in Chief, squawking about guns and shit, egging on Nazis and White supremacists to show up in Richmond and be assholes just like him. And they did. Playing Army with their GI Joe dress up clothes, pretending again they are the real oppressed minority in America, these white knuckleheads screamed about tyranny and continued how they've lived their entire lives. Intimidation. Cowards alone, in groups they are tough as nails. Fantasizing about killing bad guys and keeping their home arsenal intact, these gun toting cretins hold up their signs daring you to take their guns. How they will hold off the government with their pop guns, start Civil War when their Shitheel in Chief is removed from office, and rolling their eyes around their heads like a roulette wheel.
These are the same scared white people who were so concerned about the deficit in 2010, doubted the 44th President's birthplace, and rallied around a poison spouting reality show host in 2016. What really concerns them is the loss of white privilege. We all know it. To them, you get rights, they lose rights.
I dont care if you have guns. Knock yourselves out wasting money on weapons you cant possibly use. Weapons more likely to be used in mass murders than to be used to protect ones self. If you feel your "right" to weapons of war are more important than keeping these same deliverers of death out of the hands of nutjobs, assholes, terrorists and child killers, well then you ARE an apologist for mass murders. Congratulations on your narcissism and paranoia.
To hold this "rally" of masked white people carrying guns and screeching hackneyed slogans on Martin Luther King Day is at best horrible timing and at worst, a planned diss of America's Civil Rights Icon. The man who started these white idiots downward spiral.
Its bad enough rallies lie this are becoming normal, with an Orange Toxic Gasbomb sending out loud racist messages to stroke his own ego. But this rally today is especially offensive. White men with long guns hiding behind masks.
Its almost like they are celebrating James Earl Ray.
Thousands of dickless wonders converged upon the Virginia State Capitol on Monday, many carrying long rifles, assault weapons and wearing helmets and flak jackets on Martin Luther King Day. Yep, long rifles and assault weapons on MLK Day . Martin Luther King, the hero murdered by a white man with a long gun. His day. Shit on by thousands of white men with masks. The modern day equivalent of a KKK Rally.
Spurred on by the Racist in Chief, squawking about guns and shit, egging on Nazis and White supremacists to show up in Richmond and be assholes just like him. And they did. Playing Army with their GI Joe dress up clothes, pretending again they are the real oppressed minority in America, these white knuckleheads screamed about tyranny and continued how they've lived their entire lives. Intimidation. Cowards alone, in groups they are tough as nails. Fantasizing about killing bad guys and keeping their home arsenal intact, these gun toting cretins hold up their signs daring you to take their guns. How they will hold off the government with their pop guns, start Civil War when their Shitheel in Chief is removed from office, and rolling their eyes around their heads like a roulette wheel.
These are the same scared white people who were so concerned about the deficit in 2010, doubted the 44th President's birthplace, and rallied around a poison spouting reality show host in 2016. What really concerns them is the loss of white privilege. We all know it. To them, you get rights, they lose rights.
I dont care if you have guns. Knock yourselves out wasting money on weapons you cant possibly use. Weapons more likely to be used in mass murders than to be used to protect ones self. If you feel your "right" to weapons of war are more important than keeping these same deliverers of death out of the hands of nutjobs, assholes, terrorists and child killers, well then you ARE an apologist for mass murders. Congratulations on your narcissism and paranoia.
To hold this "rally" of masked white people carrying guns and screeching hackneyed slogans on Martin Luther King Day is at best horrible timing and at worst, a planned diss of America's Civil Rights Icon. The man who started these white idiots downward spiral.
Its bad enough rallies lie this are becoming normal, with an Orange Toxic Gasbomb sending out loud racist messages to stroke his own ego. But this rally today is especially offensive. White men with long guns hiding behind masks.
Its almost like they are celebrating James Earl Ray.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame!
Just change the name to the Music Hall of Fame. There are two inductees here who do not fit the theme of this pyramid shaped must see building.
We went there last year. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the shores of Lake Erie. Why? Because its a must for music freaks like me. But theres a lot of stuff there that aint Rock and Roll. Not that I really care. Seeing all the Michael Jackson and Motown stuff was just as captivating as seeing a Kurt Cobain sweater.
The new nominees are listed above and include:
The Doobie Brothers
Duh! Its about time. These guys have been around forever even after Michael McDonald ruined them for a period of time in the 1970s. The first time i saw The Doobs was late at night on a Midnight Special. When the gentle riffs of Listen to the Music started I was hooked. I love the Doobie Brothers. Yet I never saw them until a couple years back at an outdoor venue. They hadnt lost a thing. And the played Eyes of Silver.
T Rex
Glam Rock was just getting started. Bowie and Iggy and the New York Dolls. And then there was T Rex led by a sparkly Marc Bolan. I mean come on, who doesnt like 20th Century Boy, Jeepster or Bang a Gong? Bolan died in the 70s in a car accident but his influence remains.
Depeche Mode
Never got it. Liked some of their songs. Always thought they were French.
Notorious B I G
Im old and white. Im pretty sure he isnt rock and roll but that fight has been over for years.
Whitney Houston
OK great voice. Pop singer galore. Sang the best National Anthem ever. Died like a rocker of drug abuse in a bathtub. How Jim Morrison of you.
Irving Azoff and Jon Landau
What do they play? Landau is credited with making Springsteen popular when he proclaimed "I have seen the future of rock and roll and his name is Bruce Springsteen". Azoff is a Ticketmaster hack.
Nine Inch Nails
I think Trent Reznor is a fucking genius. Now that he's a soundtrack guy and wins Oscars confirms it. If the music behind the Watchmen series didnt contribute to its success, then youre wrong.
Nine Inch Nails is Trent Reznor and a bunch of hired guns when you see them in concert. In 1991 I was celebrating the end of hair bands and totally in love with grunge. Then I got ahold of Pretty Hate Machine. Goddam. Who is this maniac?
The Downward Spiral came out in 1994 and Closer entered my brain. And Closer has never left. Its still a song I cant get enough of. The obscene lyrics dont matter. Its a scream. A Primal scream that ends with a cord. The video is genius. The Downward Spiral is genius.
Seeing them in concert remains to this day the LOUDEST experience ever. My internal organs rattled. I couldnt get away from the rumbling. I started in the front row of the floor within 20 feet of the band. I couldnt take it. I moved to the back of the floor. I couldnt take it. I moved to the side of the stage. Nope. My innards still moved around. I couldnt hear for two days. It was goddamned glorious .
Trent Reznor not only belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he belongs in the Life Hall of Fame.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Movies about World War I are few and far between. Many of them are classics. All Quiet on the Western Front. Lawrence of Arabia. Gallipoli. Paths of Glory. Last years documentary They Shall Not Grow Old. And now, 1917.
You've seen the endless ads. They are promoting the shit out of this movie. And for good reason. You must see it if you have any sense of history and any sense of humanity. Mans inhumanity to man is in full force here.
Colin Firth is in it. If you've seen the ads you've pretty much seen Colin Firths entire scene. And he sets it up perfectly. You two Lance Corporals get to the company about to launch an offensive and stop it by walking through German territory or it will be a massacre.
Thats it. This movie is damn near a one shot. These two where have I seen those guys before actors endure horrific events on the way to attempt to save their comrades. Dead bodies. Dismembered bodies. Rats the size of small dogs. Mud. Standing water. Straggling Germans. Its a horror show. Will they make it in time?
Im not giving it away to say something happens to a major character relatively early that shocked me. Im not giving it away to say milk is involved in the most human part of the movie. Im not giving it away to say that plane crashing in the trailer is very important. Im not giving it away to say the actors who pop in, like Mark Strong and Benedict Cumberbatch and Richard Madden and especially an early appearance by Andrew Scott (he is dynamic in his scene sending the main characters out of the trench) are moments of clarity.
1917 may not seem like a movie for you. But it is. I saw it in IMAX and really that wasnt necessary to do. It made it louder and made me jump more than once but this movie stands on its own. A well deserved Golden Globe.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Jesus can it get worse? 2020 is it. Its either the beginning of a new dawn in which the last 4 years are dismantled and common sense is restored OR its the fucking end of America. Not hyperbole. Its truly the end if this fucking criminal is re-elected. I dont expect him to win, hell I dont even expect him to be in office but my track record on this orange shitheel is bad. As Nancy Pelosi holds back delivering the Impeachment Articles to the Schwerner Cheney and Goodman Jury in the Senate, the crimes of this monster grows. Pretty soon we may actually have video of him shooting someone on 5th Avenue.
Some thoughts:
Hey everybody, John Lewis (Hero-America) is still with us. Just because he had Stage 4 pancreatic cancer doesnt mean we have to eulogize him already. The man has shit to do and dammit he's gonna do his best to get it done. Listening to John Lewis speak flashes one back to a time when civil rights icons knew how to deliver the message . Preach on brother.
39 Republican Senators and 202 members of the House have signed on to an
Yeah things tend to be "unworkable" when a certain political party of old white men and their post menopausal women collaborators throw roadblocks out the back of the jalopy constantly. Unconstitutional laws, harassment of clinic workers, idiotic statements, and oh yeah, murdering doctors in the name of Jesus tend to make shit "unworkable". So to crush the rights of the majority gender to make their own decisions is all this has ever been about. This gang of 39 Republican Senators, including gender traitors like Deb Fischer (Nobody-Ne), Joni Ernst (cackling rape victim-Ia) and the stupidest woman on earth Marsha Blackburn (Way to Go-Tn). Including deep thinkers like Ben Sasse (Runza Hawker-Ne) and Josh Hawley (Way to go-Mo) and libertarians like Rand Paul (Putins bitch-Ky) and reasonable men like Mitt Romney (Wishy Washy-Ut) this amicus filed with SCOTUS is the quid pro quo for Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Pay up motherfuckers.
Women need to remember this in November.
Australia is on fucking fire. This is not just a warning to the rest of the world, its an actual event that nothing is being done about because....the economy comes first. The Aussie Trump, a truly despicable man named Scott Morrison, has made it abundantly clear that he doesnt give a fuck about anything except making money at any cost necessary. Aussie Trump visits the fire traps and shakes hands with those who have been burned out and then ignores climate change because theres goddamned money to be made and to fix something that threatens you by burning at your shoelaces isnt economically stringent at this time. For chrissakes, over a half a BILLION animals have been burned up already. The media continues to show us cute koalas being fed water and people floating in boats on lakes to escape their house being burned down. The media needs to START doing their jobs and start lighting a fire under these political quislings asses. The planet is literally at stake.
Humans are just dumb. Voters electing these political ostriches are even dumber.
Its 2020, y'all need to know what we must do. Please.