Sunday, January 20, 2019

Make America America Again!

The boys will be boys crap has started. The 'fake news" crap has started. The defense of privileged white boys is in full force now. They were "provoked". They were the victims. That 64 year old Native American Vietnam Veteran was the instigator. Do not criticize our White boys. After all, they were there to stand up for fetuses on the annual March For White Life Life event. Hey, Mike Pence was there. Ben Shapiro stood up for Baby Hitler. It was quite the stand up for certain life event.

Then the Indian dude got in the MAGA hat wearing Catholic boys faces and beat on a drum. How dare he? What was the mob of testosterone supposed to do besides do tomahawk chants, poo poo stolen land, laugh, dance like loons and stare down a 64 year old man?

This may have been even sadder than the 1960s. We are supposed to have evolved. The dumping of flour on lunch counter sit in protesters was 55 years ago. That was done by ignorant rednecks scared of their own shadow. This taunting of an American Indian elder, a member of the Omaha tribe, drumming for peace is disgraceful. Its bullying at its finest. Its Brett Kavanaugh bullshit. Its the privileged bullying behavior I saw all through high school. You different? You get mobbed on. You black? Must be an athlete. You Hispanic? Must be illegal. You gay? You're a fag. You a Democrat? You are a commie. You creative? You're weird and probably a fag. The mob mentality of teen aged boys used to getting their way and being taught that they are of the one true religion is toxic. These same pricks will never learn because the powers that be will defend them. They will be excused at best and defended as victims at worst.

Watching the tape of this disgraceful incident is so utterly disturbing that any American should be ashamed. The taunting of this man is no different than if I walk into a Sunday Catholic Mass and begin taunting them for their kneeling and standing and chanting and thinking a piece of bread is actually a body. That would be offensive and would never be tolerated. And it shouldn't be. Just as this nonsense in DC should never have been tolerated.

But it was. And now the right is defending it. Well some are. The usual suspects. Our racist President, who openly calls a woman "Pocahontas" and dismisses Wounded Knee as a non event, has said nothing. He wont. A man who has no beliefs other than in himself and is heralded by so called religious people as God appointed will defend them just like he did American Nazis.

The fact is these punks deserve no slack. How can anyone defend a high school that is so deficient in its educational curriculum that its privileged boys actually chant "Build The Wall" at a guy whose ancestors were here way before their white trash ancestors got here?

Its amazing. This country is fucked up. Torngarsak help us.

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