Sunday, January 13, 2019

Impeach The White Supremacist Motherfucker???

Impeach the motherfucker!....When did the term white supremacist become offensive?

Now clearly one of those statements is worse than the other and depending on your sanity level its apparent which is worse.

Republicans and their state run TV fell onto their all white fainting couches and had to be fanned back to consciousness after freshman Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib of Michigan was caught on a phone hollering about impeaching that motherfucker who I assume was the old Pussy grabber in Chief, the guy who wants to tax the motherfuckin Chinese and the Russian Asset in Chief, Donald Trump. The coverage by the Enemy of the People as you can see was totally justified because what kind of woman says such a thing? Especially one with one of them funny names. Trump is no motherfucker for sure, oh wait, Stormy Daniels has a kid so I guess he is a motherfucker.

Meanwhile Iowa's favorite Congressman, Steve King (Klansman-Ia), a guy who Iowans re-elected just last November, stated in the Failing New York Times that yes indeed he is a white supremacist, nationalist and general bigoted motherfucker himself.

Yet the coverage of a Iowa white supremacist voted into office by Iowans stating he actually was a white supremacist was nothing compared to a Democrat saying "motherfucker". Now why is this?

The only thing I can think is that Democrats going off the rails is very rare. Thus when one does, especially a Muslim woman, its big ass news and scares all Republicans and so called moderate Democrats, which consists of most of them. While the Democrats poo poo Rep Tlaib and wag their fingers at her hoping she doesnt resort to such treasonous activity again, Republicans and state run TV go batshit crazy to divert attention from the fact that the Useless Idiot in Chief is quite frankly a fucking Russian spy.

And also the fact most Republicans are complete white nationalists, white supremacists and dummies and having one say out loud what they all have the sense to keep under wraps (icks nay on the acism ray) is no big deal. They hear it at every fundraiser they have.

So get used to it. The Enemy of the People will continue to do the Asset in Chiefs bidding in that endless attempt to seem fair. It is really amazing to watch.

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