Monday, September 24, 2018

#Why I Didn't Report!

Did you read any of them? Did you? The twitter storm of women telling their stories of being sexually assaulted and why they never felt confident enough to report it were truly telling. I read them until I couldnt read them any longer. Look, I'm a guy. I went to an all boys high school. I've been around a culture of entitlement that I still cannot get over. I never joined a fraternity back in college because of this culture of male superiority (and the crazy homo-erotic pledge shit). Men run this fucking world and goddammit, they aint giving the power up without a fight.

This Kavanaugh thing is a wake up call to men. Decent men. You can wave it off as "horseplay" or remember maybe an incident in your past of which you believe would bring you down. But come on for chrissakes. If you dismiss this allegation, you dismiss ALL women and their memories and their stories. You dismiss crimes. You dismiss the degradation of someone's daughter or mother or sister or friend or grandmother. How dare you?

The Republican Senate doesnt give a shit. Led by the truly despicable Mitch McConnell (Sub-Human-Ky) this band of frat boys and their female collaborators are perfectly willing to ignore Doc Ford's story to confirm this creepy handsy motherfucker to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

Let's face it. This is ALL about one thing. To keep control of women's bodies in the hands of men who care nothing about women. To make abortion illegal in a true 19th century dominance. To overturn Roe V Wade no matter how or by whom.

The Republican base has become a truly horrific band of people who see conspiracies around every corner, see women as temptresses, see minorities as a threat to their privilege, and see abortion as white genocide. The Republicans with brains have abandoned ship. The Republicans who only care about their own money have abandoned ship. Republicans who have true conservative beliefs yet have no axe to grind have jumped overboard. Basically all that is left is racists and the truly stupid who are dazzled by this talking orange cult leader and insanely believe this Elmer Gantry will restore a life they really never had. They hate minorities, they despise intelligence, they are in fear of losing the only privilege they still own, their whiteness, they hate the press that tells them the truth, but mostly they just enjoy driving the "libtards" crazy. Its really the only "power" they have. To say something so fucking dumb, or to praise a dimwitted bigot, and know that a lib will cringe makes them so happy.

This base that is left are snake handlers, believers in a Patriarchal Gawd, kool aid drinkers who have no sense of reality. That is why this panel of CNN Republican women saying some of the dumbest fucking things about sexual assault, including what boy didn't do this in high school (uhhhh me you idiotic woman) was so appalling. For this bunch of gender traitors, yes I mean that, to say this stupid shit about "all boys" committing sexual assault in their past is an insult to men. We arent all sexual assaulting drooling monsters and for these evil dames (thats a word you old biddies women like right?) to imply this simply to put the hammer down on young women they may or may not be jealous of is just wrong.

I am not only appalled at the fact these creeps in the Senate and their base of old bags women and hateful men are ignoring Doctor Ford, but are poo pooing every women and whatever horror haunts them in their dreams. I'm not sure I know a woman who DOESNT have one of these #WhyIDidntReport stories. So fuck you McConnell, Grassley and Hatch and Graham. You evil assholes need to step aside at best and be shunned at worst.

Ignore women at your own peril, guys. If they ever wake up and realize the power they potentially have, watch the fuck out.

The world might become a better place. In fact, it would be.

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