Monday, September 17, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh!

This picture is all I ever needed to know about Brett Kavanaugh. His refusal to shake the hand of Fred Guttenberg, a man whose child was murdered by a 2nd Amendment enthusiast at Parkland School, is all anyone should need to know about Brett Kavanaugh. To be quite blunt, fuck Brett Kavanaugh and the unicorn he rode in on.

But now a woman has come forward to save the nation. Kavanaugh, one of those entitled frat boy to bes while at an all boys Jesuit school back in high school, liked to drink. When he drank, he and his buddy, an erotic novelist wannabe named Mark Judge also felt like any woman, errr girl, wanted them so bad. According to the woman, the two lured her to a room during a party, where Kavanaugh and Judge attempted to remove her clothing and have their way with her because hey who wouldn't wanna fuck a slobbering 17 year old punk and a guy named Brett? The two drunken Prep school boys succumbed to what Prep school boys do best, get so drunk they cant function. The woman escaped. But did she? Living with an attempted sexual assault the rest of her life is hardly an escape. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh went on to Yale, Yale Law and where he was a member of some group called "Truth and Courage" aka "Tit and Clit" which is again all I need to know about Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh went on to work for Ken Starr and get all prissy over that bad bad Bill Clinton and his blowjob. Asking Ken Starr to ask sexually explicit questions of Bad Bill also tells me all I need to know about Brett Kavanaugh. What the fuck dude? The repression is gonna kill you. We know that when you're drunk as a skunk, you wanna get down with the babes whether they like it or not. You're a wild man, Brett. Embrace your inner frat boy, oh yeah you already are one.

Look, I went to an all boys high school. There is not one doubt in my mind this allegation is 100% true. The things I witnessed, the people I knew, the entitled aura, the sexual repression, the bullshit braggadocio , the homophobia. Going to an all boys high school is a recipe for disaster for many of those who already feel entitled. They just take whet they want and damn the consequences. The joke was how many zeroes need to go on this donation check to make this go away.

Did a 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh assault the 17 year old girl? Not a doubt in my mind.

Georgetown Prep. Tit and Clit. Ken Starr. Fred Guttenburg. Fuck him.

And thats not even mentioning perjury, gambling debts and $200K debts that suddenly disappeared.

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