Sunday, August 26, 2018
John McCain!
I make no apologies for loving Johns McCain. I make no apologies for calling McCain a true hero. I make no apologies for not calling him a typical conservative Republican who voted wrong and therefore I must hate his guts even in death. Fuck that. John McCain is gone. His life was the life of a man who made mistakes, admitted his mistakes, and stood down from no man. His hatred of Donald Trump shows you what kind of American he was. An American patriot, not a self indulged Russian stooge. The fact he has posthumously banned the Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Chief from his funeral while requesting eulogies from both Barack Obama and George W Bush tells me that even to the end, John McCain cared about his country first.
John McCain had my attention when he came back from Vietnam after being held prisoner for 5 1/2 years. Refusing to be released early by the North Vietnamese as a propaganda move, he subjected himself to more torture and stayed with his fellow prisoners. And fuck all you whack job conspiracy Trumpers currently calling him a snitch and a traitor under orders from your cult leader, the aforementioned Fuckstick in Chief.
McCain wasnt perfect, hell no, he got caught up along with another American hero, John Glenn, in a Savings and Loan scandal in the 80's. He admitted his mistakes, he didnt double down on his error like the Money Launderer in Chief, and he moved on.
In 2000 I honestly rooted for McCain to win the Republican nomination because had he won, the country would have been in good hands no matter who won the Presidency. Hell, I may have voted for him I honestly dont know. But the Karl Roves of the world made sure the dark underbelly of the Republican Party began to emerge and McCain lost out to Dick Cheney and an evil cabal of war mongers intent on making money off the lives of naive kids who were brainwashed into believing their bullshit. The rest was history that someday we shall again recognize as tragedy if we manage to save democracy in November.
In 2008 McCain's turn came. He was nominated to carry that rapidly deteriorating party on his back. Unfortunately for him, his opponent was the epitome of charisma and in the right place at the right time. The economy tanked, thanks to the Republican tax cuts and an unpaid for illegal immoral war (yeah plenty of Democrats participated in that act of cowardice). And perhaps the worst mistake of McCain's political life, the unleashing of the Kracken. The slithering vermin of the party crawled out from under the rock when he picked a dimwitted cynic named Sarah Palin, a female Trump. as his Veep. The bigots and the morons now felt empowered to openly voice their bigotry, not because of McCain, but because Palin never shut her big fucking mouth with her simple minded ignorance which appeals to the similar minded.
McCain lost that election, thank goodness, but the clip above of McCain defending Obama from the poisoned mind of that dumb woman and a helluva lot of those in the crowd will be his legacy. One of the last moments of human decency in Presidential politics. Bit the Republicans learned from that moment. Never ever be decent among the crazies. Feed their ignorance, cultivate their fear, and brainwash them constantly thru a television network of liars and scoundrels. McCain didnt buy any of that and he paid the price. The nutjobs who took over the Republican party hated him for being decent.
Ok, I loved John McCain. I hate Donald Trump. Its apparent. My hatred of that lumbering shitstain scares me sometimes. Trump is a danger to democracy. He's a danger to America, He's every bit as dangerous to the young as he is to his base, old white people who are so blinded by prejudice and fear they vote Republican. Hey dummies, they are going to attempt to take away your lifeblood as quickly as possible once you vote for them. McCain knew that. He knew Un American forces of evil are quietly conducting a coup bent on installing an authoritarian oligarchy. McCain wold have been a leading force to stop it.
So now who takes his place? Well nobody. The Republican Senate is full of cowards and stooges who dont care about anything other than establishing white supremacy and growing the gap between rich and poor. They will do anything to achieve it including allowing Russian hacking and suppressing the votes of the blacks and browns.
Goodbye to John McCain. You were in my Top 10 political heroes. The world is a worse place today and thats scary.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Pearl Jam At Wrigley!
I am the world's oldest member of Pearl Jams fan club. I pay $20 a year for the right to buy tickets if they ever come within 500 miles of me. Oh yeah you can get discounts on merch and you get a new song download (whatever that is) every year but I dont care. I just want the right to buy overpriced tickets and get a decent seat. I've been in row 13, I've been in the pit getting jostled by people one third my age , I've been in Wrigley in a seat that would have been great for a ball game and on Saturday I was on the field 17 rows back but still behind the massive amount of pit people. Thank goodness for big screens.
Max and I road tripped to Chicago for our second PJ concert at Wrigley this past weekend. Now Im old, overweight, claustrophobic and have a bad leg so what could be better than fighting crowds on L trains, standing in lines, walking a lot, sitting on a cement cover for the field (we would have been where the shortstops stand) and sweating my ass off while crammed into plastic chairs zip tied together? What happened? Here we go.
Slightly before 8pm (half hour late PJ is notoriously late) the band enters the gigantic stage in center field much to the delight of 40,000
Wash---never heard this one before live. Wash is from 10, and is on the backside (Im old I said!). I remember it. Not my fave, but a good sign this may be different.
Low Light--A new one for me. From Yield, this rocker sends Jerry Garcia into the stratosphere. His head is shaking, his hair is flying and he;s kicking his chair backwards into me. Max is rocking, the 8 year old kid is rocking.I'm getting annoyed already.
Elderly Woman-- ok ok its a staple. It must be done. Its a good tune. Its from Vs. Its old school whether you like it or not.
Breakerfall--from Binaural its now 3 of 4 Ive never heard them do live before. This could be something special. The kid is still standing there, Jerry is still shaking his head free of whatever lives in there and sourpuss next to Max shook her head a bit.
Eddie finally speaks. The worship of the Cubs. The hallowed ground of the dump that is Wrigley. Onward.
Corduroy -- The rocker from Vitalogy. Another staple that must be done. Its a great song, a cool dong and if you listen closely, everybody's life at some point. Everybody is shaking their heads, including me. Ive forgotten about my aches and pains.
Hail Hail--from No Code. Ive heard it a couple of times live. Its not a must. Its a great song too and not a lot of fans are into it. The steam is starting too leave Wrigley. Even Jerry has slowed down. The first whiff of weed hits me from behind.
Animal-- Oh my God. Its 1994 again. The young Eddie Vedder destroys the now unwatchable MTV Awards with this song. From Vs. This is a classic. I've never heard it live. I'm young again. Make fun of me, Jerry. I'm moving like I have a ferret in my pants.
Getaway-- from Lightning Bolt. After Animal I wanna get back into this. Max is rocking, Jerry is flipping his hair around and banging his chair backwards into me. Way to kill my buzz Jerry.
Leaving Here-- Ed grabs a guitar. Contrary to popular worship, when a lead singer, a front man, a Jagger, a Daltrey, a Vedder grabs an instrument its not a good sign. The song sounds like what he learned to play his first guitar on. It's fine. Drop the guitar Ed.
Present Tense-- from No Code and Ed leaves his guitar on. He doesn't play it much cuz the song is slow but it remains one of my faves. This is really some obscure shit. I love it. Jerry has lost a bot of interest. Max knows the words of everything. I'm impressed.
Even Flow-- oh the classic. The song everybody saw the video for back in 1992 and watched a young kid with a deep voice swinging from the rafters and saying what in the fuck is THIS?? As much as I want to say I'm sick of Even Flow, I cannot. Mike McCready absolutely shreds during this rocker. The place is going nuts.
Missing--Ed speaks of Chris Cornell, the late Soundgarden shrieker. I'm not that big of a fan but I certainly didnt want him depressed and suicidal. He then does this song, a Cornell solo effort. I guess. Nobody knew what the hell was going on. I never have seen so many people asking what this song was. Hey it was pretty good.
Garden--from 10. I love Garden. It reminds me of the genius of music. 10 was such a revelation after years and years of shit from bands full of high school dropouts and drug addled morons. Garden slows you down. Its almost psychedelic.It makes me wish I got high again.
Not For You-- The Vitalogy classic. I stood in line at midnight to get this CD (yeah Im a geek) This is a song of theirs I think is vastly underrated. From its slow start to its shrieking end. If you hate something, don't you do it, too. I'm screaming by the end of this one. Jerry is back into it. More marijuana smell. Max says, well at least this is the good stuff. How the hell do you know?
Can't Deny Me--its a fan club exclusive. Eddie begins beating a cow bell. Its a 4 minute Fuck You to Donald Trump. Nobody knows it. But if you listen you know.
Wishlist--from Yield. One of the few songs ever written with the word "neutron bomb" in it. Its getting deeper here. Jerry falls into me backwards. Sourpuss next to Max is moving her head a bit.
At this point Eddie sees a sign held up by a "guy with his hat on backwards". Its says "Play BR/Y you Evanston pussy. What the fuck? Ed asks is that anyway to ask for a favor? He then tells the guy "fuck you you fucking fuckwad". I hope thats this years Ten Club download.
I Wont Back Down--Ed begins to speak of Tom Petty. Jesus, how many rockers are gone in just the last year? He asks the crowd to lift their phones to the sky to say Hi. I do it. I feel dumb but the sight of all those phones is kind of cool. Thanks Tom.
Porch--What the fuck is this world? The whoah part is loud as hell. I'm whoahing with everyone. Man, this is like 1992 PJ. I am loving it. Who isn't?
The band then leaves the stage. Everyone sits down. Tghey dont scream for an encore cuz its not necessary. The guys will be back, They are all over 50. They need a break. So do I.
Back out after a 10 minute break or so. Eddie sits on a stool and mentions a woman named Laura, a well respected LGBTQ activist in Chicago. Yep, Im sure he means the good Ricketts kid. Not that killer Pete Ricketts or that Ted Cruz clone Tom Ricketts. Laura Ricketts who has been married for a while now. For all of you in a good relationship.
Just Breathe--the song from Backspacer that grabbed me and has never let go. Its a beautiful song. Its just Eddie with a guitar and Boom Gaspard on the keys. Its subtle and its breathtaking.
Sleeping By Myself-- its a ukulele song. He sings it and then truly weirdest thing of the night happens. Dennis Rodman wanders out, announces Chicago had his back during that North Korea shit and that when he dies he will be buried in Chicago. Eddie, taken aback a bit tells him to delay that as long ax he can. Vedder with the rebound!
Footsteps -- ok my night is made. The song I told Max I hoped I would hear. Its old, its on no album. I bought it as a single EP. The pain is real. The emotion is real. The fact they never play it makes it even more special. Max pats me on the back. The old mans dream came true.
State of Love and Trust--Oh so cool. From the Singles soundtrack. Holy shit this IS like seeing them at the Ranch Bowl back in 91. Jerry rocks out, Max rocks out, the over 50's really rock out.
Breath--from the Singles soundtrack. Breath is a song that gets played very seldom, Ed climbs off the stage and converses with a youngster in the front row with his Dad. The Dad was much more enthralled than the kid. Max announces well that made my night.
Know Your Rights--it gets political here. No not really. Because he needs Ricketts to bring out the World Series Trophy Ed cant offend him. So he simply says you know what to do on Election Day.Then its into the Clash classic, Know Your Rights. You have the right to free speech, unless you're dumb enough to actually try it.
Do The Evolution--Its my favorite Pearl Jam song. It just is I dont know why. I am the first mammal to wear pants. I'm at peace with my lust. I can kill cuz in God I Trust. Its their Sympathy for the Devil. Of course I am nuts. Jerry falls forward into the people in front of him.
Alone--The old school theme continues. My feet hurt. Must maintain energy. Jerry is done. Sour Puss is sitting. Max sits. I have permission. I sit.
RearViewMirror-From Vs. I am back up. Max is back up. Jerry has still had it. Saw things more clearly once you were in my Rear view mirror. Yeah. That.
They are done once again. They leave the stage to the cheers of 40,000 people and the freeloaders on the roofs. But we know they will be back. Curfew at 11. Its only 10:25.
They rush back out after a 5 minute break.
A short speech about how great the fucking Cubs are, blah blah and then
Rebel Rebel-yep that Rebel Rebel. The David Bowie cover. Never done before. They do a credible job.
Betterman--ok ok....I AM sick of this song. I dont like the crowd singing the fucking thing. I dont like the cliche' like lyrics. It just doesn't tickle my fancy. Never has. But its a staple. Later as Max and I sat on a bench we see a group of 3 walk by and the one guy exclaims "I am sick of Betterman, they play it every fucking show". Yeah what he said.
Alive-this is the one Max says he could do without. But how can you not do it? Its supposed to be played back to back with Footsteps but they never do that, per Max the local PJ expert. Alive is what it is. It means different things to different people, but its about surviving sexual abuse. I cant relate so it means something different to me. Thats music folks.
Theres still 20 minutes to go. Leash maybe?
Rockin in the Free World--Neil Young may have written this but since Neil doesnt do it any longer, its Pearl Jams song now. It is just such a rouser how can you not hop around like a maniac?
Yellow Ledbetter--this indecipherable song closes a lot of shows but its only 10:50. People are singing and it makes Max wonder aloud "how can anybody sing this, there are no words". He's kind of right. There are no words, just a lot of moaning and whoahing. Its a solid tune, its just lyrically nonsense.
And then they all appear at the front of the stage arms entwined and do a half assed bow. Its like they want to go on, but have been ordered to stop by someone. Ricketts! That fucker! I know its him. They leave and everybody is perplexed. It was just weird.
Later I see that Leash WAS on the playlist, as was Indifference, but they ran out of time. Maybe next time lay off the Cubs shit. Fat chance.
As we leave, we go under the hallowed outfield ivy. Most people reach up to touch it in some sort of ritual. I touch it also but in a curse way. Everything I touch turns to shit, may as well be the Cubs. One guy touches it and yells "White Sox". And off we go into the night.
Is Pearl Jam worth driving 8 hours for, spending untold amounts of money on tickets, staying in expensive hotels, riding the packed L Train, being squeezed by crowds of weirdo cult members, standing for 3 hours, putting up with tripping Jerry Garcias and SourPuss women, and trying to get home?
Its a trip with my son. Of course it is!
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Hey Man, Know Where A Rich Guy Can Score Some Fentanyl?
Nebraska Nice. Thats us. We are so nice. Midwest values. We work harder than everybody else. We are so nice.
Then why do we have so many creeps on death row here? There are currently
Carey Dean Moore murdered Reuel Van Ness, a 47 year old cab driver trying to make ends meet to support his 10 kids, and Maynard Helgeland, another 47 year old cabbie trying to get his life back together. I mean this horror happened so many years ago, I was still in my early 20's. Today, in 2018, some 39 years later, Moore was murdered by the State of Nebraska. You may think great, finally, but the way we got here is disturbing.
Our Governor, a talking scrotum named Pete Ricketts, believes that he should get whatever he wants because he's rich. And what Pete Ricketts wants is to be Trump. What he says goes. Ricketts is the Governor of this state for one reason. He had an R next to his name on the ballot. Nobody likes this rich asshole. Hell when he tried to buy himself a Senate seat years ago, he picked up about 35% of the vote. Against a guy with a D next to his name.
Pete Ricketts doesnt get what he wants? He attempts to buy it. A legislator votes against his lets be Kansas agenda and what does Daddy Warbucks do? He funds a candidate to primary the offenders ass. Does this work? Well it depends on the IQ of whatever district is on the line. Dumb counties do whatever Baldy McBaldy wants and vote in the puppet while smart counties tell him to go fuck himself and the Cubs suck.
The Nebraska Legislature, a band of 49 people with very few whack jobs considering we are Nebraska. A couple of years back this same Legislature got enough votes to repeal the death penalty citing how much money it was sucking out of the state coffers and citing the fact we never use it and for many years had no method to even carry it out.
Ricketts vetoed the bill. The Legislature override the veto and the death penalty went away. At least until Ricketts threw a temper tantrum and opened his wallet to begin a petition to get the question on the ballot. Ricketts spent damn near a million dollars of his
So the death penalty came back to Nebraska Nice. Now how to do it. No drug company will sell you drugs so you can kill someone. So Nebraska began to go to the back alleys of the world to make drug deals with India and guys in trench coats, Once the drug companies found out that Nebraska was just some two bit junkie looking to score, they demanded their drugs back. Nebraska refused but the drugs went bad anyway so we again were jonesin for a fix. Eventually thru some back door pharmacy led by what has to be a truly awful person. the talking testicle bag Ricketts had his drugs. And then he got a willing inmate named Carey Dean Moore.
Moore didnt want to be alive any longer. Ricketts popped a boner. Moore withdrew all appeals and then today happened. Peter Ricketts, pro life Catholic and better than you, got to kill a guy. It only cost him a million dollars. Funny how if I spend a million dollars, or more likely a hundred, to whack a guy, even a bad guy, I'd go to death row myself. But Ricketts? He'll probably get re-elected. The Republican Party is truly the party of assholes.
The thing that bothers me the most about the talking taint Pete Ricketts is this. Ricketts is a guy who really hates drugs. He sued Colorado to keep marijuana illegal even though voters there said hey fuck off Nebraska Nice come smoke with us. Ricketts then jacked up local yokel Sheriffs out in the low IQ counties and the State Patrol, a band of minimum wage cops, to hassle the shit out of people coming back from Colorado with some legal pot. Ricketts just hates it when you buy legal drugs and bring them back to Nebraska.
Unfortunately for humanity, Ricketts has no problem buying illegal opiods in a back alley from a shady drug dealer so he can kill a guy.
After all, he spent a million to do it and what Petey wants, Petey gets.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Spike Lee makes movies that force you to think. He polarizes, he insults, he pokes the white bear and he doesnt give a rats ass what you think. Blackkklansman is one of those movies. Though I cant prove it, I think two white folks behind us were so offended they stormed out before the credits rolled with a loud LETS GO!. Maybe they were late for something, perhaps they were double parked, I have no idea, but something about that movie pissed them off.
BlackkKlansman is the story of a Colorado Springs police office, Ron Stallworth, who as the first black cop in the CSPD called a phone number one day that belonged to the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan and started a conversation. This conversation moved onto an undercover operation in which a white cop became Ron Stallworth in person as they worked to take down the KKK in Colorado.
Lee begins the movie with the end of Gone With The Wind where the
BlackkKlansman explores the times of 1972 when this event took place. The Nixon posters, the Afros, the black power movement, the racism of the police towards the first black officer, and the fact that things aint changed much in 46 years. America First, white power, police racism. Its all here and any mention of it draws laughter from the audience who I assume are mostly hip to Spikes message. A scene where Ron expresses his disbelief America could EVER elect a white supremacist to the Presidency was ALL of us just two years ago. It drew lots of nervous laughter.
The acting is top notch, especially by John David Washington (yes THAT Washington family) as Ron Stallworth, Adam Driver as the Jewish undercover cop who infiltrates the Klan, and by Topher Grace as a sleaze dripping David Duke. The directing is top notch also. It covers the black power movement as well. It makes you long for those days. The message delivered by Kwame Ture' at a Black Student Union event rang as true listening to it now as it must have in 1972.
But the ending. That ending. Wow! While the movie has it humor, and it really does have some funny scenes, nothing shuts up a crowd like this ending did. There was dead silence, Schindlers List type silence, as the final two minutes played out. I wont spoil it because I want you too to be stunned into silence, but it will both make you sad and yet infuriate you also.
For those who storm out, well we know you dont like facts. The fact is Spike Lee has made perhaps the best movie of the year.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Cult Of Personalty!
It's just exhausting folks. To explain these three dumb women fawning over a fat orange sexual abuser can only be explained by defining brainwashing. The cult is here. The cult consists of 35% of the country who are apparently so out of it they will accept anything that lies, cheats, and steals as long as they are told they are victims. Yes, you are all victims of a society unwilling to accept your racial superiority, your obvious entitlement, your non acceptance of change, your rejection of technology, and your disgust with all that doesnt look like you.
The Trump message is exhausting. Lie after lie after lie. Nothing comes of it because it has become normal. Just as I feared it would. From the moment Jimmy Fallon mussed up that Candidates hair to the false equivalency of Hillary's emails and Russian collusion, to the media going out of its way to appear "fair", to Obama's unwillingness to attack this traitor when he knew what was going on, to the give him a chance crowd I now loathe, this has become normal. This President, who needs the hand job he gets from a group of adoring cult members, has to be removed. It has to be done. Every day its not just one scandal, its 3 or 4. People are so overwhelmed by it it does get to be too much. Yet, when the Grifter in Chief gets a little down, he calls a rally and they show up. The morons, the racists, the mentally ill, the assholes, the anarchists, the truly dumb.
But now the Q people are showing up as the ones who have gotten to the yeah he's a nut stage drop off. Pretty soon the Q people will get the attention of this sick cult leader and he will aim to please. The Q people, a truly sick and demented bunch of conspiracy minded nitwits, are not necessarily growing in number, but they are getting bolder. Much like the white people who think now that a Racist in Chief is in charge, they have the right to call other people the N bomb, harass people with hijabs, tell anyone not white to go back where they came from, call the cops on anyone they dont like being in their space, beat up the gays, and just be plain assholes like him, the Q bunch is out there. With their stupid Q signs and their 5 XL t shirts they are now permeating the Traitor in Chief's "rallies". The truly disturbing thing about these fascist Bund rallies has gone from wow those people are fucking dumb hillbillies to wow, those Q people are fucking dangerous.
Oh man, it truly is exhausting to watch my country turn into a shithole run by con artists and supported by 35% of a population willing to go down with the ship as long as its a white ship.
Please vote in November. It's truly the last chance to save the nation from the likes of those three idiots in the picture above.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Frampton Came Alive!
Back in 1976 at the height of his popularity I saw a young blonde maned Peter Frampton entertain a sold out crowd of youngsters like myself. Last night I saw a bald gray maned Peter Frampton entertain a sold out crowd of olds like me. What was the difference? Not much. Peter Frampton is one of the best guitarists of all time, in my opinion. To see him perform again after 40 years was a pleasure. The enthusiasm of 1976 when it truly looked like he couldnt believe what was happening is still there. But now, the enthusiasm comes with experience and failures, Self deprecating humor and interesting name droppings do not seem at all anything but a guy sitting around telling stories. He should write a book.
But the music. Oh man, even though we missed two songs due to nightmare traffic control that had no idea how to squeeze perhaps 2000 cars into a huge park, the music was just phenomenal. The instrumental cover of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun, a song I dont even care for, had me begging for more. The guitar duel during a jam of I'll Give You Money, just mind blowing. The hits, Show Me The Way and Baby I Love Your Way, just as fresh as when I saw him in '76. The Humble Pie song, Four Day Creep, introduced with a simple, "how about some Humble Pie", unreal, despite the guy hollering for 30 Days In The Hole. And the closer. The song I never ever tire of, the live version of Do You Feel Like I Do. God I love that song. Frampton teased the crowd by getting so far into it and not talking thru the tube he actually shrugged and said "What?" and then launched into the talking tube part that fascinated us back in the 70s. And then he left. For now.
Steve Miller is the ultimate pro. He knows who he is, he knows what you want to hear, and he plays it. His string of hits from the 70's and 80's is as impressive a run as anyone has had. He plays them all. Opening with The Stake, truly a song you go oh yeah Ive heard that, Miller just plays and plays his blues oriented sound until you are pretty much exhausted and cannot believe how many hits that guy had.
The sudden switch from his lousiest hit, Abracadabra, to his best song, Livin in the USA, made my head spin a bit. He then brought back Frampton to jam on a couple of old blues tunes that made my night. Two legends going back to the beginning and trading licks and paying tribute to the blues artists that started all of this.
Then it was back to the hits, Hit after hit after hit. It was fun.
By the way, Miller has been around so long he also tells a lot of stories. And his stories are long. And ya know what, they hold your interest. Maybe he too should write a book.