Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain!

I make no apologies for loving Johns McCain. I make no apologies for calling McCain a true hero. I make no apologies for not calling him a typical conservative Republican who voted wrong and therefore I must hate his guts even in death. Fuck that. John McCain is gone. His life was the life of a man who made mistakes, admitted his mistakes, and stood down from no man. His hatred of Donald Trump shows you what kind of American he was. An American patriot, not a self indulged Russian stooge. The fact he has posthumously banned the Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Chief from his funeral while requesting eulogies from both Barack Obama and George W Bush tells me that even to the end, John McCain cared about his country first.

John McCain had my attention when he came back from Vietnam after being held prisoner for 5 1/2 years. Refusing to be released early by the North Vietnamese as a propaganda move, he subjected himself to more torture and stayed with his fellow prisoners. And fuck all you whack job conspiracy Trumpers currently calling him a snitch and a traitor under orders from your cult leader, the aforementioned Fuckstick in Chief.

McCain wasnt perfect, hell no, he got caught up along with another American hero, John Glenn, in a Savings and Loan scandal in the 80's. He admitted his mistakes, he didnt double down on his error like the Money Launderer in Chief, and he moved on.

In 2000 I honestly rooted for McCain to win the Republican nomination because had he won, the country would have been in good hands no matter who won the Presidency. Hell, I may have voted for him I honestly dont know. But the Karl Roves of the world made sure the dark underbelly of the Republican Party began to emerge and McCain lost out to Dick Cheney and an evil cabal of war mongers intent on making money off the lives of naive kids who were brainwashed into believing their bullshit. The rest was history that someday we shall again recognize as tragedy if we manage to save democracy in November.

In 2008 McCain's turn came. He was nominated to carry that rapidly deteriorating party on his back. Unfortunately for him, his opponent was the epitome of charisma and in the right place at the right time. The economy tanked, thanks to the Republican tax cuts and an unpaid for illegal immoral war (yeah plenty of Democrats participated in that act of cowardice). And perhaps the worst mistake of McCain's political life, the unleashing of the Kracken. The slithering vermin of the party crawled out from under the rock when he picked a dimwitted cynic named Sarah Palin, a female Trump. as his Veep. The bigots and the morons now felt empowered to openly voice their bigotry, not because of McCain, but because Palin never shut her big fucking mouth with her simple minded ignorance which appeals to the similar minded.

McCain lost that election, thank goodness, but the clip above of McCain defending Obama from the poisoned mind of that dumb woman and a helluva lot of those in the crowd will be his legacy. One of the last moments of human decency in Presidential politics. Bit the Republicans learned from that moment. Never ever be decent among the crazies. Feed their ignorance, cultivate their fear, and brainwash them constantly thru a television network of liars and scoundrels. McCain didnt buy any of that and he paid the price. The nutjobs who took over the Republican party hated him for being decent.

Ok, I loved John McCain. I hate Donald Trump. Its apparent. My hatred of that lumbering shitstain scares me sometimes. Trump is a danger to democracy. He's a danger to America, He's every bit as dangerous to the young as he is to his base, old white people who are so blinded by prejudice and fear they vote Republican. Hey dummies, they are going to attempt to take away your lifeblood as quickly as possible once you vote for them. McCain knew that. He knew Un American forces of evil are quietly conducting a coup bent on installing an authoritarian oligarchy. McCain wold have been a leading force to stop it.

So now who takes his place? Well nobody. The Republican Senate is full of cowards and stooges who dont care about anything other than establishing white supremacy and growing the gap between rich and poor. They will do anything to achieve it including allowing Russian hacking and suppressing the votes of the blacks and browns.

Goodbye to John McCain. You were in my Top 10 political heroes. The world is a worse place today and thats scary.

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