Saturday, August 4, 2018
Cult Of Personalty!
It's just exhausting folks. To explain these three dumb women fawning over a fat orange sexual abuser can only be explained by defining brainwashing. The cult is here. The cult consists of 35% of the country who are apparently so out of it they will accept anything that lies, cheats, and steals as long as they are told they are victims. Yes, you are all victims of a society unwilling to accept your racial superiority, your obvious entitlement, your non acceptance of change, your rejection of technology, and your disgust with all that doesnt look like you.
The Trump message is exhausting. Lie after lie after lie. Nothing comes of it because it has become normal. Just as I feared it would. From the moment Jimmy Fallon mussed up that Candidates hair to the false equivalency of Hillary's emails and Russian collusion, to the media going out of its way to appear "fair", to Obama's unwillingness to attack this traitor when he knew what was going on, to the give him a chance crowd I now loathe, this has become normal. This President, who needs the hand job he gets from a group of adoring cult members, has to be removed. It has to be done. Every day its not just one scandal, its 3 or 4. People are so overwhelmed by it it does get to be too much. Yet, when the Grifter in Chief gets a little down, he calls a rally and they show up. The morons, the racists, the mentally ill, the assholes, the anarchists, the truly dumb.
But now the Q people are showing up as the ones who have gotten to the yeah he's a nut stage drop off. Pretty soon the Q people will get the attention of this sick cult leader and he will aim to please. The Q people, a truly sick and demented bunch of conspiracy minded nitwits, are not necessarily growing in number, but they are getting bolder. Much like the white people who think now that a Racist in Chief is in charge, they have the right to call other people the N bomb, harass people with hijabs, tell anyone not white to go back where they came from, call the cops on anyone they dont like being in their space, beat up the gays, and just be plain assholes like him, the Q bunch is out there. With their stupid Q signs and their 5 XL t shirts they are now permeating the Traitor in Chief's "rallies". The truly disturbing thing about these fascist Bund rallies has gone from wow those people are fucking dumb hillbillies to wow, those Q people are fucking dangerous.
Oh man, it truly is exhausting to watch my country turn into a shithole run by con artists and supported by 35% of a population willing to go down with the ship as long as its a white ship.
Please vote in November. It's truly the last chance to save the nation from the likes of those three idiots in the picture above.
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