Sunday, July 1, 2018
The Week That Was!
What a shitty week for anyone with a brain, a heart, and an IQ over room temp. I just want to sit on a dock with Jack and look at the sky and forget all of this shit. Right, Charlie Brown?
Journalism was my life's choice. It didnt work out because the pay sucks and quite honestly bouncing around small towns reporting on teenagers smoking pot and getting arrested was a waste of my time. When I refused to even report on a bust of two kids from a larger town getting busted for selling dime bags to high schoolers I was threatened with termination if I ever ignored the "drug problem" again. I quit soon after when I saw the higher ups bombed at a bar.
Some man, whether mentally ill, a MAGA guy, or a guy with a beef, walked into a newspaper office and shot and killed 5 people doing their jobs. Since he was white and a narcissistic asshole he was taken alive. These people who were murdered, these journalists, were regular folks with families and goals and lives. They had a passion for telling you the truth. They were NOT the "enemy of the people" as our Dear Leader loudly exclaimed at one of his Klan rallies in South Carolina two nights before. They did not deserve to be "curb stomped" as failed actress and NRA loudmouth Dana Loesch said. The cheering from asshole Trumpers happy about people dying at a small newspaper in Maryland was disgusting. The dripping with sarcasm thoughts and prayers bullshit from Trump and his leech Pence made me want to wretch. These two wanna be strongmen would allow this to happen daily if their deep inner selves were allowed to bubble over like a fascist volcano and take power as they fantasize.
Do I really believe that? Goddamned right I do. Do I really believe that this MAGA movement with its Fuehrer and their brownshirt thugs and a complicit Congress bent on an agenda at any cost is a reality waiting to happen? Fucking A I do. I see a President attacking journalists who dare report on his treason, his crimes, his lies, his vileness, and point at them and call them the enemy while dim witted sheep turn and express their paranoid nonsense at the fenced in press. Yeah it not only can happen but it will happen if this is not stopped and I mean right fucking now.
The hearings on Capitol Hill, rather the attacks on Rod Rosenstein by morons like Jim Jordan (Idiot-Oh) and Trey Gowdy (The Precious-Benghazi) was just an opening salvo on trying to stop Mueller because Republican fascists in the House cam smell victory as the people of this country remain lazy and silent.
The attacks on Maxine Waters (Guts-Ca) by a Low IQ President. The death threats that resulted from Trump's racist attack on a black woman and lets face it thats what it was. A combo platter of racism and misogyny from a disgusting vile creep. Waters had reacted to Professional Liar Sarah Sanders, Himmler wannabe Stephen Miller and white lady who wants to see a manager Kristjen Neilsen (kudos Samantha Bee) being harassed at public dinners for being whores for authoritarian regimes by saying yeah harass the shit out of them. Dont beat em up, dont shoot em just verbally tell them what creeps they are. Waters aint havin none of that. She's a 79 year old woman of color who dont give a goddam what you think about her.
A little know story of a former ICE spokesman, James Schwab, who had resigned rather than tell more lies, being interviewed by CBS News and in the middle of the interview in his home, hearing a knock on the door and two Homeland Security goons asking him about "leaks" implying HE was being followed. Yes folks, intimidation by a lawless administration is now the norm. You speak out, you are harassed by a government agency that dont need no stinking badges.
And finally, the resignation of Anthony Kennedy. Fucking great. The unqualified knucklehead that Putin tells Trump to nominate will affect my life forever cuz I dont have that many years left. It will affect Max's life for the next generation as the Supreme Court, strengthened by yet another collaborator bent on making white supremacy and the Republican Party great again rules as the last domino of the fascist state. A lurch backwards would be complete. I dont know how to stop it but we must try. To throw your hands in the air and say dont mean nuthin to me is idiotic.
This week sucked. Next week will suck. The week after that will suck. Dont let up. If we do, the little hands of a con artist bent on installing Gilead will arrive.
Praise be? Fuck that.
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