Tuesday, June 26, 2018
I sat in my chair last year with my busted leg and watched Neil Gorsuch, the fucking interloper sitting in Merrick Garland's Supreme Court seat, say ah shucks a lot and talk about walking the streets of Denver and golly gee he was going to the rodeo with his daughter and gosh darn it Senator I just dont really know about that hard issue you just asked me about. When finally a Democrat with a spine decided to actually ask him a question about why he decided in favor of a corporation firing a truck driver for leaving his truck in freezing weather rather than stay with it and die, Gorsuch aw shucksed his way out of it. Al Franken (Real Democrat-Mn) didnt give a shit and told Gorsuch yeah you're a fucking monster, which of course he is. The folksy motherfucker wanted a man to die rather than leave a corporate owned truck. It was at that point I knew that Neil Gorsuch was one nasty excuse for a human being. Worse than Scalia by far.
Today the United States Supreme Court upheld a Bigot in Chiefs ban on Muslims entering the country that sparked protests over a year ago by a 5-4 vote. That 5-4 vote will eventually take this nation into fascism legally. You see, by now going full Trump because what the fuck, the Court can uphold travel bans and religious bigotry and white supremacy and then claim in a folksy manner ohhhh no no no the President didnt mean a travel ban was against Muslims thats not what he meant so banning Muslims isnt really banning Muslims at all. You dont even need to tell the fucking truth at all any longer. Trumps Klan rallies prove that.
Also today the United States Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote upheld the right of lying Christians who set up phony "Emergency Pregnancy Clinics" to deny information to women seeking advice or care by talking about nothing but Jesus and bullshit information about cancer and how the 2 week old fetus can sing and dance. Oh no no no its not really about lying to women, its about free speech and even lying sacks of shit have that right. 5-4! Thats going to be it from now on. 5-4 black is white. 5-4 Up is down. 5-4 only whites can vote. 5 to fucking 4.
Earlier the United States Supreme Court upheld the right of Texas Republicans to suppress the votes of Texas minorities by drawing districts that weaken the influence of the votes of anybody in Texas except whites. Oh its not because the districts are discriminatory and favor white people oh no no no, its just not Texas Republicans intent and how dare you think otherwise.
This makes the 2018 midterms even more important. We need to steal these seats back that McConnell stole in 2016 from the black guy. The only way is to vote like mofos and take this Congress back so any bad things that happen like RBG going away will mean nothing.
Its now the folksy ways of Gorsuch, a truly rotten to the core human being, a nice face on authoritarianism. Oh no no no we arent out to harm you in any way, now how about a shower?
5-4 is as far as it should be allowed to go.
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