Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Clown King!!!

Oh yeah? The "Clown King" cant overthrow the values of a 242 year old nation? With a complicit Congress, a complicit Supreme Court, a foreign enemy openly courted to fuck with elections, and a base of openly fascist bottom dwellers why cant he? He has already has turned a compassionate nation into a nation of assholes. We arent all assholes, we just have a lot of silence while the actual assholes scream like toddlers and as previously stated have a complicit Congress, Court and a friendly enemy of hackers and criminals. The silence is deafening and quite frankly frightening. If I hear one more comfortable white person tell me everything will work out and give him a chance and Obama was the dividing force Im ready to scream and cut these people out of my life.

What has the "Clown King" done to cause this destruction of a great nation? The campaign was bad enough. But the campaign had no power. While the collusion carried on prior to America's death date, and the complicit Congress knew and the ultimately complicit POTUS 44 knew yet said nothing because it may offend people who hated his black skin anyway the cancer spread. Now the complicit Congress said nothing because they dont give a fuck how they win they just want to win and the complicit Obama said nothing because he thought people who would never ever vote for Hillary might get mad and god knows we cant make people who crawled out from under rocks mad.

Once the "Clown King" won, much to the delight of Russians, fascists, bigots, and assholes everywhere, his cruel agenda began.

The propaganda, led by a news network of liars and collaborators , began in full force. The lies about the size of the inaugural crowd, the lies about Michael Flynn, the national security adviser who is a Russian stooge, the speech at the CIA, the lies about 3-5 million illegal votes costing him the popular vote, the appointments of "only the best people" like Mike Pompeo, a backbenching Kansas Senator, Nikki Haley, a feckless fascist, Rex Tillerson, an oil grubbing link to Putin, and the rest, all approved by a complicit Congress and this includes the spineless Democrats, still not fully functional after being cold-cocked by a right haymaker.

The stolen Supreme Court seat filled by a folksy shitheel named Neil Gorsuch approved by that same complicit Congress. Fuck, the crime was so blatant, on tape, that even a Florida jury would convict this thievery. The votes of three Quisling Democrats, Manchin, Heitkamp and Donnelly put this unassuming prick onto the Court. I want those three to win their seats for the 33% of the time they grow a backbone, but in a decent country in a decent time, I'd root for their political destruction.

The nation that hit critical condition in November 2017 hasnt been cremated yet but the plug is about to be pulled. For fucks sake, a government agency of door kickers, liars, thumb breakers and dickheads ripped breast feeding babies from their mothers and sent them to a baby camp. And the Clown King loves em. ICE. Loves em. Defends these Constitution ass wipers at every turn. The Clown King. Dear Leader. Der Fuhrer. President for Life.

So Happy 4th of July America. You blow up your shit and drink to excess and debate Uncle Moron about the MAGA movement. But just remember, talking to a brick wall with a big mouth is cathartic at best.

We have the power to administer a Narcan shot to this country but it wont arrive until November. You have to be ready to use it. If you stay home, or get exhausted, or the Democrat isnt pure enough for your rock solid values that you refuse to compromise, enjoy the rest of your miserable life here in Gilead.

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