Sunday, July 8, 2018

Another Week In The USA!

Another week from the United Shitholes of America and again an everyday new low for a country on its way out of existence.

1) Donald Trump (Cheap Thug-Queens) held another jack off session in which he did his normal stand up act much to the delight of a thousand or so lonely Montanans. The same old act is there with some new material recycled from years ago. Hillary's a crook. The free press are bad people. Elizabeth Warren is Pocahontas. Joe Biden is sleepy. Obama is a black guy booooo...Maxine Waters is mentally challenged. George H W Bush is a babbling moron. John McCain is a traitor to the cult. But of course, Kim Jong Un is a great leader and Vladimir Putin is "fine" just a person.
When did a gang of cultist Montanans become Russian and North Korean stooges? When their cult leader tells them to.

As usual, American patriots are scum and foreign thugs and killers are terrific.

2) Meanwhile in Moscow, 8 Republican traitors, 7 Senators and a House member, greased the skids for the 7/16 Trump/Putin quarterly review. The 7 Senators, should all get the Jane Fonda treatment from now on, Moscow Jerry Moran (R-Ks), Moscow Richard Shelby (R-Al), Moscow Steve Daines (R-Mt), Moscow John Hoeven (R-ND), Moscow Ron Johnson (R-Wi), Moscow John Kennedy (Disgrace to the Name-La), Moscow John Thune (R-SD), Moscow Kay Granger (R-Tx) . Christ I just noticed that all of them are backbenching nobodies who are nothing but bagmen for a corrupt Triple A mob boss ready to be graded by his Major League Mob boss. It's infuriating that these 8 Judas's were tweeting 4th of July greetings to their constituents from the bowels of thuggery. It's also infuriating that these 8 back stabbers were there in the ratfucking Capitol of the world, face to face with the people who ordered the 2016 election meddling, and said nothing. The 8 cowards, 8 turncoats, 8 pseudo defectors were there to make sure the July 16th job review goes well. Goes well in the sense that Putin gets what he wants from the Quisling in Chief. It's called collaboration. Collaboration with a foreign enemy. I can hear the cultists now. 6 More Years 6 More Years!!!

3) Russia lost in the World Cup to Croatia. In Russia. Good! At least something went right this week

4) Scott Pruitt, the low rent grifter who was hired to destroy the environment in the name of pissing off environmentalist hippies, was finally forced to resign his commission in the United States Department of Thievery. After backing up his Oklahoma truck up to the United States Treasury and piling as much tax money as he could into the back before he could fill it no more, Pruitt quit with one of the most cult like letters of resignation ever. Likening serving the Grifter in Chief to serving God, Pruitt left town substantially richer than when he slithered in. But that letter? Serving God? Pruitt proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the first resort of a scoundrel is the God card.

What happens now? Pruitt gets indicted for old fashioned graft? He gets shamed out of politics by being the moral equivalent of a guy knocking off the national Quik Trip with a ski mask and a 22? Nah, we all know he'll go back to Oklahoma and probably win an election thanks to the cultists.

5) Bill Maher ticks off all sides. He makes conservatives angry and after all what doesnt, and he makes whiny ass liberals crazy because he doesnt kiss the PC police's ass. His live special from the heart of Oklahoma last night covered all of that. Maher isnt George Carlin, my comedy hero, but he's as close as we have.

Trumps an asshole. Check. The material was all covered. The crowd ate it up. From Oklahoma? Yes, we do exist out here in the middle part of America. We hate Trump. Hate racism and sexism and homophobia. We hate children being put in cages. We hate treason. We hate white privilege and the denial of it. We hate the cruelty of this putrid regime. We also hate politically correct whiners.

Look, I am not politically correct. I say some things out loud I know as soon as it leaves my mouth I shouldn't say, usually in the form of bad jokes. I believe in common sense. And Bill Maher who happens to be my age, does too. Oh I dont agree with everything Maher says, his rants on religion for instance. His blatant disregard for what makes some people comfortable in this shitty world makes me cringe. Yeah, and I also hate religion, however I will not tell someone else they are stupid for taking solace in their beliefs. Unless of course they use that belief to discriminate or hate, well then its on.

Bit Maher tells certain libs that their religious like insistence on 100% adherence to their dogma is not helpful. To those of us common sense libs certain disagreements do not disqualify you from my life. If you confront Nazis and thieves and kidnappers in restaurants and bookstores its not something I would do, but its brave. If you tell me that Islam is scary to you, I wont scream at you that you are a disgusting bigot and to go kill yourself. If you clutch your pearls and go crazy at a Hollywood actor who dares to make a distinction between rape and patting someone on the ass you make us common sense libs shake our damn heads. Maher does all of this and gets called a racist and a Islamophobe. He pisses of everybody.

Carlin says keep on keepin on

6) As I type, the rescue of the trapped Thai soccer kids is going on. I'm hoping it all goes well. I'm also hoping the Loudmouth in Chief keeps his big fucking mouth shut. Yeah, Fat chance.

Onward to a new shitty week

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