Tuesday, May 29, 2018
I dont think Roseanne is funny. I never thought Roseanne was funny. I never watched her old show cuz it wasnt funny to me. I certainly never watched her new show. And now I cant watch it.
I dont know what is wrong with a person who thinks its ok to tweet what she tweeted. Who thinks that tweet is funny? Who thinks that consequences will not come for someone who compares another human being to an ape in public? Who thinks this is a freedom of speech issue? Look, idiot who expresses outrage over the cancellation of Roseanne's show, calling another human an ape is not normal. You may talk like that at the whites only bar you hang out in, but you wouldnt put that out on a national stage. Would you?
You Trump voters need to step back. If THIS is the kind of "comedy" you want you really need to examine your perception. Calling another person an ape or another woman a man with ape balls is not funny. You Trumpers are in a hole right now. You're digging it yourselves. To admit hey I am getting a bit deep in here and may not be able to crawl out is not weakness. It's growth and its also smart. One of these days your dreams of pissing off liberals will come crashing down as you realize yes you pissed off liberals but you are also now known as a deplorable racist creep.
Roseanne is gone. I dont feel sorry for the cast as none of them should have signed on anyway but I do feel sorry for you Trumpers who immediately assume this IS a free speech issue. It's not. Nobody is going to prison here. Nobody is being silenced. Roseanne can call more people apes ,if she wishes, without any legal actions being taken against her.
Colin Kaepernick is blacklisted by the NFL because he kneels to protest police brutality and y'all support that. Get that son of a bitch off the field I think is what the Grifter in Chief hollered at a rally. Well now its get that racist off the TV.
Bye bye Roseanne. It affects my life not in the least. But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Turn On The Gaslight!
The Gaslight in Chief has continued to throw whatever sticks at the wall in his desperate attempt to stop his inevitable demise. Another twitter storm aimed at his dopey base came this weekend including an incredible me me me Memorial Day tweet in which he thanked himself for HIS service. Today's sickening rants seem to be aimed at distracting anyone dumb enough to buy into his mental illness.
Trump LOVES the word "rigged". He used it all the time when he thought Hillary was going to kick his treasonous ass which of course she did. To a sick narcissist like the Misogynist in Chief "rigged" means he is wrong, losing or about to get caught. Oh and trust me, all three apply here.
Trump the orange pile of sludge, is wrong on so many levels. He lies like others talk to a drive thru window. He doesnt even think about it its so natural. His impaired mind is so racked with
Trump is losing. His ratings are in the toilet. His demeanor is an embarrassment to a majority of Americans. His sick mind is a revelation to a substantially loud number of white racists who care only about making "libtards" angry. He is losing and taking his loser base with him.
Trump is also about to get caught. Reports are if he begins firing people, the send button on indictments is pushed. The Felon To Be in Chief knows it and like a cornered animal, he is desperate. Thus his tweets.
Take the above tweet. All you have to do to make it true is change some words. For Republicans substitute the word Democrats. For the word Democrats sub in the word Republicans. See its easy.
Trump is a very simple man. Lazy, not smart, lazy, paranoid, lazy, dumb, lazy, sociopathic, lazy, bigoted, lazy, and lazy. He cannot do anything except sit on his gold toilet, alone, and rant about the people trying to stop his authoritarian bullshit. He wont do anything, he expects others to serve him, whether it be his sycophants, his handlers, his puppetmasters or his old bitter white base. Trump wont even defend himself, he will just scream at the ones after him.
Jesus H Christ, can we just make this go away? Being a Third World banana republic, in Trumps own words, a shithole, sucks.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Memorial Day!
Thanks for your service all of you veterans.
Now again I have to apologize on behalf of an entire generation of self centered asswipes called Baby Boomers.
My Dad spent the "worst four years of my life" in the military during World War II fending off Nazis and freeing people from Hitler. Dad wasnt a Medal of Honor winner or anything like that, he was just one of millions of young people who did what they had to do. He enlisted in the Army after being rejected by the Marines for flat feet or some such shit, and he did what he was told. Trudging across Europe in his 20's cannot have been what he wanted out of his life but he did it.
When that generation came back home from that horrific time, they sired a generation of babies called Boomers. Boomers (1946-1965) famously rebelled and all grew long hair and protested a war and did drugs and blew shit up. Uh no, some did, but a substantial number were just regular goofballs who voted for Nixon and Reagan and didnt do anything except forward what that so called Greatest Generation believed in. White Supremacy, male dominance, and fighting wars whenever the government said to.
My Dad wasnt one of those Greatest Generation go alongs. He went along as best he could, but he never ever became a Republican and he hated Nixon back when Nixon was just a small town crook who wandered onto a Republican presidential ticket. He opposed the war in Vietnam, and was experienced enough to realize that war was a horror. My Dad served because he felt it his duty to stop fascism wherever it happened and to hell with his own comfort.
IF Dad was still alive to see this country now I'm not sure he'd be able to take it. The generation of self indulgent snowflakes I belong to elected an actual authoritarian bird brain who apologizes for torch carrying nerdish Nazis. A shitheel who thinks what he says goes and is enabled by a Congress full of Quislings. A liar who makes shit up and basks in the adoration of low IQ mercenaries. A traitor who was put into office by the efforts of a dictatorial thug. A sociopath who cannot even tell when he lies any longer.
Like I said, the Greatest Generation was great at stopping fascism, not so great at giving equal rights to minorities and women. My generation isnt great at anything. In fact, my generation wants to return to the pre-war days when you knew who was in charge. Well at least 53% of over 50's do (check the voting results). Its up to the young people to save this generation from itself. For being the most educated generation in history, we sure are stupid.
Sorry, Dad. And Mom too for that matter. The Nazis are winning.
The Pope Movie!
Ok ok, I am about to contradict myself mere hours later here after telling the Vatican to fuck off on the abortion issue. Thanks again Ireland it had to be done by somebody without a dictatorial asshole in charge and a group of bullying male chauvinists and their female Sonderkommandos.
This documentary out now in theaters, Pope Francis Man of his Word, was attended today by us along with a dozen fellow old ex-Catholics or hell I dont know, present day believers. Anyway, the theater could have had a bingo game before it started it was that demo.
This doc, about the Pope, my favorite Pope by the way is fascinating. Yeah yeah, its fawning, there arent any real hard questions asked of Francis and it makes him out to be a saint, which he is. But come on, this guy is a fucking revolutionary and I dont care if he presides over a corrupt cover up organization that has done horrific things in the last 2000 years. I know, in this country especially, its hard to believe that things change for the better and its certain humans that do so. We here in the United States are lurching backwards but perhaps the Vatican has found the guy who can change it. The humble Jesuit from Argentina may be the guy.
Filmmaker Wim Wenders simply lets the Pope talk. About the plundering of the environment, the income inequality, the poverty, the question of why a God would allow suffering, child molestation by the clergy, natural disasters, the gays and many other reasons why he never ever wanted to be a Pope. Anyone who strives to be the Pope, he says, is not a man of God.
Wenders follows the Pope around the world, to Brazil, to the Philippines, to the Central African Republic and then to the United States, still run by a decent man named Barack Obama at the time. Pope Francis gets right in with the ones nobody in gated communities (his screed on gated communities is classic revolution) would even acknowledge exists. The sick, the poor, the deformed, the dying, the inmates at a Philadelphia prison and finally with the scum of the earth, the Congress of the United States.
His speech to Congress made me both happy and infuriated, To see phonies like Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan and the rest of that disgusting body of miscreants wiping tears or standing and applauding as the Pope gives a speech on saving the Earth, saving the poor, doing the right thing made me want to puke. But then anytime I see Republicans in Congress it makes me want to heave.
Look, Im a Pope Francis fanboy. I take what I can get in this shitty world and he is one of those things I take as hope. We have two pictures on our fridge. One is of Max and I running together. The other is of Pope Francis and Barack Obama enjoying a laugh together. Looking at those pictures makes me happy.
This documentary made me happy even at the short shot of a lumbering monster waddling into meet Pope Francis.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Fark Off Father!
When you get passed in progressiveness by the likes of Ireland you really have to take a step back and say huh?
Ireland has voted 2 to 1 to overturn their 8th Amendment banning all abortions except for the life of the mother. Two to one. 67% of the Irish said fark off to the Catholic Church and to leave women's bodies the fuck alone. In recent years Irish voters have also legalized divorce and gay marriage also sticking the proverbial finger into the Bishop's eye. Voters did this. You see, even in countries dragged kicking and screaming into modern times, the voters know whats the right thing to do. Especially the youngsters who all this actually affects. You see, 87% of young Irish voters said yes to repeal a constitutional amendment intent on oppressing them specifically. Divorce? Yes, it affects them also. No more ya cant take a punch just like yer mother,. Gay Marriage or as the gays call it, marriage,? Yep the youngsters have no passion for keeping young Seamus and young Patrick from being who they are. So they vote to repeal bans placed on all of it by old controlling fiends with a hankering for white male supremacy.
What are we doing over here in the states? Led by a vocal minority of old shriveled up white males and their female collaborators, this country, the beacon of freedom, cannot wait to turn ourselves into 1950's Ireland where belting the wife and kiddies was part of dinner time. Back to the days when the gays stayed in the closet, women were stuck with brutal losers staying one step ahead of the gutter, and forced birth was the law for the sluts who got pregnant as a consequence of laying down with uhhhhhh men?
Trump's America. A 71 year old narcissist who has paid for gawd knows how many abortion shoots off his mouth to a load of Evangelical phonies intent on instituting the Handmaids Tale in reality. Oh how they conveniently ignore this. Poor Tiffany. They also ignore this. Poor Playmate. Evangelical traitors are just like the ones they profess to exorcise from the earth. They dont care if the devil himself imposes what they want. The payoff of their souls to the Satan in Chief show the utter non belief in their own bullshit.
Over in Iowa, you may have heard of Governor Kim Reynolds (Gender Traitor-Ia) signing a blatantly unconstitutional law banning abortions at 6 weeks or whenever the fetal heartbeat starts in the jelly bean sized "person". Reynolds, a true self hating nitwit, caters to the pro-life con artists wishing to impose their fetus loving will on everyone else while they ignore starvation and filthy water and children being kidnapped by Trump's Gestapo.
Kudos to the Irish youth. If only the youth here in the colonies could get off their asses and do the same thing. Oh I know how energized the youth are to throw these baby boomer creeps out of office per every story I read. I will believe it when I see it and I hope to see it!! Its all that keeps me going.
Meanwhile across the pond to my ancestral home we go for a very important message.
Ireland to Vatican. Fark off!
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Kidnapping Is Now Legal!!!
Damn, Ive seen better conditions at the fucking Humane Society. These are kids. Children ripped from their parents and treated like homeless dogs, no worse than homeless dogs. Taken from their parents by Border Patrol and put into cages in Arizona or Texas to be held for whatever reason. Oh yeah, they arent white. Their parents are trying to seek a better life for them. But the USA, the United States of Assholes, led by an orange prick and his den of thieves is still being allowed to cater to a base of
The detention of children in these places is disgraceful. Its wrong, its fucking wrong. They are in effect kidnapped from their parents at the border and then sent away to live in a cage guarded by some jackboot with an assault rifle (yeah yeah its not an assault rifle blah blah blah go fuck your gun).
Now we learn that almost 1500 youngsters have been "lost" by the Department of Health and Human Services and its nitwit director Aziz Ansari or whatever his fucking name is. Yeah its Alex Azar, at least this week, and he's a goddamned nutjob who only cares about the health and human services of fetuses. Once you are born you can go straight to hell, or into human trafficking. Yep, thats the theory, that HHS was so underfunded or or more likely so uncaring, that a lot of these kidnapped children were released into the custody of scumbags who traffic them into sexual slavery. Ahh, capitalism rocks!
The status of immigrant children in the bullshit Family Values administration of one Donald F Trump is something that makes me wish there was a hell. This administration deserves a reckoning of this sort just for this. Forget the treason and thievery and the violence and the Nazism and the lies and the porn stars and nepotism and the rest of it, just this alone is as disgraceful as it gets. To rip children as young as a year old from their parents and putting them in a cage like a criminal is in itself criminal.
On this Memorial Day weekend when I will once again go see my Dad's grave and apologize that his fighting the Nazis for 4 years was a waste of his fucking time, I will also apologize to anyone who will listen about this. Is it ironic (hell Alanis Morissette ruined the word forever) that my Dad's grave site lies in a neighborhood that probably contains a helluva lot of people here who are undocumented? Wow, sorry Dad, this generation of idiots you all brought into the world after saving the world from dictatorship really are selfish assholes.
Well at least 62 million of them are.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Why U2 took a big left turn on the Experience + Innocence and came to Omaha is something I cannot answer (Warren Buffett maybe). But thank the rock gods they did because last night was another U2 experience 15,000 people will never forget. The last time the Irish supergroup came thru town was on the Vertigo tour back in 2005 and I scored a ticket on the floor and came within 5 feet of Bono and within a foot of slapping his hand. I was old then yet felt so overcome with emotion at that concert I was like a teenager idolizing another human being. So unlike me.
This time Max was with me and again on the floor (damn Im even older and my feet hurt) and U2 did not fail to turn a concert into a life event you cannot ever erase from your mind.
U2 opened with 3 songs from its latest album, Songs of Experience, and hey my friends, its a damn fine album. If you want an oldies show go someplace else and watch a U2 tribute band because these guys are still relevant and can still rock. Then came 3 oldies, I Will Follow, Gloria and Beautiful Day satisfying virtually everyone.
Then came U2 telling its story. With a gigantic big screen stretching the length of the arena, you saw old home movies of Bono's mum, Iris, as he sang the song called Iris, launched into Cedarwood Road, the story of the road Bono grew up on, and finally into a slowed down version of Sunday Bloody Sunday which ended the first half of the show (including a short improv of Alabama Song which Max said Bono did cuz he saw me with my Doors shirt on and I choose to believe that fake news). Did I mention we were perhaps 30 feet from greatness?
The second half of the show included Vertigo, my favorite U2 song Elevation complete with a bunch of oldsters like me pumping their fists at a close up Bono, Larry, Adam and the Edge, Desire, Acrobat complete with a devil Bono staring into a vanity mirror expressing the devil's delight in Charlottesville and the President being distracted by "stormy weather", acoustic versions of You're the Best Thing About Me and Staring at The Sun complete with megaphone and scenes of Nazis and Klansmen MAGAing and Bono yelling "This is not America" before launching into Pride where under scenes of MLK Jr he hollered "This is America".
Back to the main stage for two new songs (sorry casual fans) including American Soul with a gigantic American flag unfurled behind the stage. And then it ended with City of Blinding Lights (wait THAT is my fave U2 song).
The encore had One and then it became so claustrophobic on that floor that I couldnt take it any longer and I had to leave dragging Max with me. Floors are war zones at concerts. You are squished together, you have drunks falling into you, you have people holding their phones up taping the entire goddamned concert, and you sweat like Donald Trump tweeting on his gold toilet. Its not fun after about 2 or so hours. At least for old people like myself.
But about U2. Bono is Bono. He's a legend and I believe to be a genuine saint. The Edge is a unique guitar player. His sound is his own and it never can be duplicated (sorry Coldplay). Larry Mullen is a great drummer. I enjoyed watching him up close. But Adam Clayton and his bass is the glue to this whole band. Like Charlie Watts with the Stones, without Adam Clayton U2 does not exist. His bass on City of Blinding Lights is unforgettable. His bass lines on anything are unforgettable. I dig Adam Clayton a lot, and I am not a bass guy.
Im sure there are some who dont like political at their concerts. This concert was political in the same way true religions are political. Its all about doing what is righteous.
U2 is righteous.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Arturo Sandoval!
There are trumpet players who changed music forever. Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Clifford Brown, Wynton Marsalis to name a few. I am in awe of each of them as the trumpet is the jazz instrument that I love more than anything. Yeah, you have your sax enthusiasts, your keyboard enthusiasts your percussion fans and there may be a bass fan out there but the trumpet is the man to me. From the first time I heard a recording of Louis Armstrong not being a clown I was hooked. Ive seen Dizzy live. It was a religious experience. Ive seen Dizzy deal with a heckler (who the hell heckles Dizzy?) with a well timed 'Yo mama". Ive seen Wynton Marsalis numerous times and again it was like being in a church that means something.
I dont that much about Arturo Sandoval. I know he's a legend. I know he has a Presidential Medal of Freedom which because Obama presented it may be rescinded by the current Traitor In Chief. I know he's from Cuba. I know he plays my favorite instrument. Thats about it.
Arturo Sandoval and his band graced us with his presence last night here in the heartland. Sandoval, at 69 years old, idolized Dizzy Gillespie, and his latest tour makes sure we all know that. Called the Dear Diz tour, Sandoval plays Dizzy tunes with a love only he can know. That love entered me as soon as I heard Sandoval blow that trumpet. Oh my god, what a talent.
Backed by a band of talented musicians, Sandoval wore so many hats I couldnt believe what i was seeing half the time. Trumpeter, keyboards, drums, story teller, comedian, schmoozer this guy has it down. About halfway thru the show the band launched into a funk inspired jam session that was one of the finest 15 or so minutes I have ever seen on a stage. I didnt want it to stop. It was one of those WOW moments you dont expect and when it does end you just exclaim WOW, you cant even applaud yet, and when you finally do realize its over you applaud and stand up and never want that applause to end. The moment is over yet you cannot let it go.
Sandoval told Diz stories, came into the crowd to banter as well as take a break. The audience was eating out of his hand. He said how the trumpet is a killer instrument, no I mean actually kills you and why he plays it is beyond him. So he sat down and played the piano on El Manicero, another jam session that you didnt want to end. He did ballads, he had his percussion player solo, he told more stories, and then it ended and off he went to Korea.
Lucky Korea.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
National Concert Week!
Did you get your $12 or $20 concert tickets this last week during National Concert Week? I did...I'll be seeing Smashing Pumpkins, Hall & Oates and for some reason, Primus, this summer on the cheap. Bands I normally would skip, but for $20 what the hell?
First concert I actually paid to see:
Deep Purple: At the height of their popularity in 1973 the band came through Lincoln Nebraska's Pershing Auditorium. I think the ticket was $5. When the opening sounds of Highway Star came thru the sound system, the lights came up and Ian Gillan screeched, I was hooked. Forever. My parents were never really music people, so my concert experience was slight. That changed for me.
Loudest Show Ever:
Nine Inch Nails It was 1995. The Downward Spiral was out. NIN made my inner organs shake. I could feel my insides gyrate as the band played a two hour show. I moved from the floor to the first balcony to hopefully save my eardrums. It didnt work. I can still see a floor full of people dancing to Head Like a Hole. Were they all deaf for 3 days also?
Honorable Mention to Steppenwolf who blew out my ears my freshman year of college when we got pushed against the speaker and couldnt get out. Also The Melvins for the same thing. Getting pushed by a crowd against a speaker and not being able to escape sucks.
Worst Show I've Ever Seen:
Nothing can ever beat this shitshow I witnessed in the late 70's when Jerry Jeff Walker came out from behind a curtain with an acoustic guitar, played snippets of his well know songs all in about 2 minutes, insulted the crowd by slurring his words and stating if thats all you wanted to hear fuck off, and then proceeded to drunkenly fuck up everything else. It wasnt even funny incompetence like the stoned Dr Hook would put out each time I saw them. Jerry Jeff Walker was THE worst.
Rob Zombie spent his entire show bragging he broke some sort of attendance record in the 2500 capacity dump he played that I was standing in. BFD! Thus, he will always be an insecure Trump to me.
Pleasant Surprises From Opening Acts:
Band of Horses was a phenomenal opening act for Neil Young a few years back. I'd heard some of their songs and even had a CD of theirs. But live, this band was freaking great.
Ghost opened for Iron Maiden last year in Lincoln. Maiden, who I'd never seen, was great and energetic. Ghost's KISS like gimmick worked.
Though I hate Aerosmith with a passion, I did see them open for ZZ Top back in 1974 when even Sugarloaf was billed before them. I remember at the time thinking hey who's this guy who thinks he's Jagger?
Jo Jo Gunne opened for Black Oak Arkansas in the 2nd concert I ever saw back in 1973. In retrospect, I realize how good they were compared to the croaking and chaos that was BOA. Hey, I was a rebellious teen. Jay Ferguson was and is a fave or mine to this day.
Best Moments:
Being about 5 feet from Bono at a U2 concert. He walked to the edge of the long stage and squatted. I reached out to no avail. 5 feet is pretty far in reality. No handshake for me. It was the best.
Being about 10 feet from Bruce Springsteen. In 1984 during the Born in the USA tour I bought a ticket for $16 that was in back of the stage. It may have been one the best seats Ive ever had. The Boss constantly turned around and played to those of us back there. I was in row 2. Bruce stepped up on a platform and played a solo. I practically got sweat on me.
Being in the nosebleeds in Kansas City and seeing Paul McCartney for the first time. We were behind him but at one point at the end, he began to do A Day In The Life with his guitarist playing the John role perfectly. I am serious when I say I could have died at that moment a happy man.
Being in the mosh pit at a 1993 Nirvana show. I wasnt there on purpose, I got pushed again and got stuck. I was old then and shouldnt have been in there. But when Territorial Pissings began I got punched in the back and began a self defense posture in which I did have to push a guy as hard as I could before he belted me. I can still see his face deciding whether to take me on for real. He declined thank goodness.
Acts I Wish I Had Seen And Now Its Too Late:
James Brown, Tom Petty, Warren Zevon, Otis Redding, Soundgarden (Chris Cornell was in the area on a Friday and I declined because of traffic and parking at this venue is a nightmare. He was dead the next Tuesday), David Bowie The Doors and Hendrix
Acts I've Seen The Most:
Wynton Marsalis 6 times, Bob Dylan 5 times, Bruce Springsteen 5 times, Stone Temple Pilots 5 times (twice as opener)
Acts That Have Rocked Everytime:
Bruce Springsteen, Arcade Fire, Blue Oyster Cult, Paul McCartney, Pearl Jam
Bands I Watched for a Half Hour Before I Knew Who I was Watching:
Butthole Surfers opened for Stone Temple Pilots. Nobody announced them and it took until Who Was In My Room Last Night before I realized hey, its the Butthole Surfers!
A dirge band began playing as the opener for Arcade Fire in KC one night. Eventually the songs sounded familiar and I asked Max is that band called The National? Uh yeah its right there on the fake movie marquee. I need to pay better attention. Christ, I had one of their CD's.
I think I saw Flaming Lips once. I honestly still have no idea who the opener for one of the times I saw STP? It may have been Prong I have no idea.
Weirdest Concert:
Tomahawk , led by former Faith No More singer Mike Patton, played undecipherable noise and then between every "song" insulted the crowd by calling us "hicks" "rubes" "farmers" "tractor jockeys" and any other cliche's he could come up with. By the end of the 40 minutes, people were booing the shit out of them. Thank goodness Tool came out and made us forget it all.
Phish not because of Phish, they were great, but because I kept seeing undercover cops beating the shit out of passive Phish fans high on shrooms or pot or whatever. It was out of line, it was unnecessary, it was mean spirited, and it made me hate our Mayor, a creep named Hal Daub, even more than I already had. He also had a horse patrol of cops outside the arena to stop all those gentle souls from selling their cheese sandwiches to get to the next city. It still pisses me off.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Tale Of Two Speeches!
I know one happened a week ago and one was just yesterday but lets examine each speech.
Michelle Wolf is a comedian. She has a very good stand up on Netflix where she amuses a room full of people who get it. A room full people who have removed the sticks from their asses before they enter the theater. Last Saturday night she attempted to amuse a bunch of people who maintain a suck up relationship with a putrid group of people running the country. Oh and trust me, the "Fake News" media is just as full of spineless worms as the White House itself. The White House communications band of liars who continually put forth such eye popping bullshit that the White HOuse Correspondents eat up with rare skepticism.
Michelle Wold stood on a platform last Saturday and hammered everyone. All anyone remembers is that she made fun of Sarah Huckabee Sanders smoky eye shadow. Uhhhh, no she did not, she made fun of the fact Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a fucking lying sack of raccoon shit. But Michelle Wolf made one mistake that guaranteed her eventual fainting couch reaction from the old fogeys that make up the White House press. She told THEM that they are complicit in the lies and distortions and the evil that plagues this nation. What she said, to paraphrase, is you assholes pretend to be abhorred and taken aback by the blatant lies and the crudeness and the meanness and the outright wickedness yet you all love it. You get ratings and then make profits and then secretly aid and abet traitors. So fuck you too, media.
This sent press collaborators like Andrea Mitchell and Maggie Haberman and John King and Mika and a host of others to criticize the woman who made jokes for going over the line. Go to hell all of you. You know who goes "over the line" on a daily basis? Sarah Fucking Sanders. And this asshole.
Donald Trump did what he does best yesterday. Stood in front of a group of dummies, easily amused, and did his stand up routine. Ya know, the punch down routine. The routine that makes a bunch of older white rednecks think that Trump is the second coming of Larry the Cable Guy.
All the greatest hits were there. You're the real oppressed ones, you white men. Texas is the best. He loves Ted Cruz, you know, the liar whose wife is homely and whose father killed JFK right there in Dallas. The crowd is the biggest of all time because of him. The blacks all love him now because of a mentally ill rapper who has snapped. That other blacks, like the former President are bad. BOOOOOOOO!!!. He won the election by a lot, hell pretty soon it will be unanimously. His poll numbers are huge, the unemployment rate is non existent thanks to him. The Dems want to release "savages" onto the streets to rape your wives and daughters, guns are great, blah blah blah. The same routine that has been making them fall to their knees since about 1650. The minorities are comin.
But aside from the moldy oldies there are a couple of things The Micro Penis in Chief said that really bug the fuck out of me. Werll more than a couple but who has the time or the booze to cope with it any longer.
He used his time to hammer away at former Secretary of State and purple heart winner and Vietnam Vet John Kerry for the Iran deal. The crowd cheers a bone spur sufferer and boos a Vietnam vet. Disgraceful in its own right but then he said the following:
"He never walked away from the table, except to be in that bicycle race, where he fell and broke his leg." And that crowd laughed.
Being a broken leg sufferer all I can say is fuck them all with a hot just fired AR15 up the ass. Now its personal.
Then the Stooge in Chief began another one of those non sequitur ramblings about knife attacks in London turning hospitals into war zones. Knives knives knives. What the bloody hell is this nutjob talking about now? London, what the 2nd or third biggest city in the world has had 38 knife deaths thus far in 2018. War zone, yeah right, you cunt (in Britain that means dumbshit).
There you have it. A woman comedian blasted by the press for going "over the line" by pointing out the lies of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Then showing live Donnie the Cable Guy without any such outrage.
Hmmm. The liberal media. Right